insanity or P90X for weight loss

I need some advice please, I started Insanity for weight loss over a month ago (not overweight normal BmI but have 23% body fat and need to lose 10-14lbs). I did it every day for the first month, I gained 5-6lbs .i was shocked, i know muscle weights more that fat so i checked my measurements but my waist measurements did not change, my legs toned a lot and butt , noticeable difference . I didn't continue as I was so afraid I'd keep putting up weight on scales. I know sounds very foolish to stop but my uniform was getting tight and was very dishearten by all the time I was putting into it.

I'm really to start again,I did love the workouts , I felt I would never do that intense workout in the gym( just little jog and cross training ) I have never touched a weights in a gym( honestly too self conscience to do them as don't know where to start.) and I would love to start as I think it's the key to toning up the last 10lbs.

But my point after all that is.. Should I try P90X instead of Insanity.? I felt insanity was really focused on legs, butt and arms. I carry all my weight on my belly so feel I need work in that area.

Is P90X a 6 day week programme with recovery day just like Insanity? I can't get Shakology where I live and cost crazy money so do you recommend just using a good protein shake?

I'll take all advice please.
