One more time with feeling?

kitten9786 Posts: 23 Member
Hello everyone,

I started on a weight loss journey almost ten years ago. I was doing well, then I got married, had a child and well needless today I looked in the mirror shine of my car door as I picked up my son from day care, and well I about came to tears.

I do not weight the highest I have ever weighed but I see the rolls of fat, my arms are like giant marshmallows. I hate how I look and have gotten to the point that I don't know why my husband sticks with me when I look like this.

I'm here for motivation, someone to talk too about this journey that I am attempting to go on again, and hopefully someone to remind me to get up and exercise outside of my job.

I work at a preschool and I'm the cook there so I'm on my feet from about 6 a.m. until 2 p.m. every day. I walk around the building at least 10 times a day, and I lift heavy amounts of food, and I take out the trash every day which can weigh upwards of fifty pounds. I feel like I get plenty of exercise at work, and while at work I don't eat much or often. I eat a little in the morning, usually whatever we are feeding the children or a couple of hard boiled eggs I bring in with me. I don't eat lunch often, mostly because I'm usually too busy to eat.

I sometimes struggle with trying to do what I need to do to make sure I lose weight. I have an addiction to soda, and have attempted to cut it out several times but the energy I get from the sugar keeps me going full speed during the day.

I also need help with figuring out healthier dinner options. I have a 4 year old, who doesn't like to eat alot of stuff.


  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    Yeah, I hear you! My son wouldn't eat but a few things for dinner, so I usually made him something he'd like and some veggies he wasn't that into, and some fruit. If he was hungry enough, he learned to like it eventually.

    I ended up switching to diet sodas, drink coffee for the caffeine to get me through the day, and drink more water than I used to to keep hydrated. I discovered that once I cut back on the sugary drinks the weight started to come off. The caffeine helped compensate for that burst of energy that sugar used to provide. I would recommend that you try to incorporate some snacks into your day. An apple and an ounce of cheese (for the sugar and the protein). Maybe a cup of Greek yogurt. These snacks might help fuel you better and make up for the soda buzz. And drinking water helped fight off the fatigue I used to have. When I'm bored with water, I drink Cascade Ice drinks because they're pretty tasty and zero calories. I also have found that eating a snack here and there keeps me from completely overeating at dinner, because I'm not starving.

    You've got such a full day! You don't need to exercise to lose weight, although it's helpful for overall health. The whole weight loss thing relies on accurate logging of your calorie intake. Eat fewer calories, you'll lose weight. Maybe after dinner, you and your husband and child can take a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood, just to get out and talk about your day. The fresh air and low-impact exercise will feel good! And if you start logging your exercise, you'll find you've earned a few more calories to eat.

    After cooking all day, my guess is it's hard to get enthusiastic about making dinner. I've started searching on-line for recipes I've never made before just to get myself out of eating the same old things. So, I'll search for what I already have in the fridge and cupboards, like "rice ground beef onions broccoli" and see what looks good. Maybe you could do that the day before so you actually have on hand all the things you need.

    Please add me as a friend. It'll be nice to encourage each other!