Weight loss

OnalimOjag Posts: 79 Member
edited April 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Am I losing weight too fast? Im around 19% bf rn. Im 18 yrs old and 5’6. Ive been using what mpf gave me for my daily calorie intake. I’m also in a high protein low carb diet so im not exactly sure if all the weight loss is fat. Should i up my calories? xlp0ntq3qqop.png


  • RecognitionT
    RecognitionT Posts: 120 Member

    Low carb means you're not retaining as much water as you used to.

    Most of this weight lost probably isn't even fat, just water.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Agreed. If this is your first month, that's fine. If you continue losing more than 1 lb per week on average, then yes you should eat a little more.