
I had bariatric surgery in 2012 at my heaviest of 325 lbs. I lost 150 lbs two years in and I maintained then my mom found out she has cancer like most of us food is our comfort our support what makes us feel better. So I did what I’ve always done best eat bad things I learned the bag things I could eat even with the limited stomach. I slow started to gain weight. I have always battled my weight by hoped with the surgery I could keep it off. However the food addiction took over. I thought I had a handle on it last year and lost about 50lbs but my mom passed last year and the holidays were rough so after the holidays since January I have gained back 40lbs all my work once again lost. I know what I need to do to eat right and I know to exercise I’m a nurse everyday I wake up with good intentions and everyday I eat the wrong things engorging myself with food especially at night. I need help. I know it comes from within with behavior modifications but need some support.
