drinkingdrinking partytime HELP

daniface Posts: 338 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
My apartment-mates birthday is this weekend and my friends are planning this blow out, keg and everything. im nervous that ill go over board, it seems like a pretty good excuse to drink a lot of beer and eat a lot of food and smoke a lot of cigs. I've just started P90x [saturday will be day 7 for me] and im really scared of undoing what i've been working on. I know that one night can undo everything but it can begin a crazy downward spiral.

I'm really commited to doing this. I guess i'll just have to trust myself to do the right thing.


  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Other than the cigs, have a good time! Don't fast the day of, but keep your diet light leading up to the party. Pace yourself on the beer by having a glass of water in between each one. As far as the food goes, sample (ie small helping) anything you want. Try not to go back for seconds. Bring a veggie tray or a healthy dip (not sure about your friends but how about hummus and pita chips).

    If all else fails and you eat a lot of food and drink a lot of beer, tomorrow is another day. Don't kill yourself over it and get back on track as quickly as possible.

    PS have some VitaminWater Rev handy for the morning after. Getting yourself re-hydrated and your electrolytes back in balance quickly will help get you going again.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I definitely can relate to your situation. I had a friend in town this weekend and I went out to bars and drank both nights. However it's all about balance. I didn't eat a ton of junk that day so I had calories to spare (i'm not saying don't eat anything, just low calorie filling foods). I also exercised to burn off extra calories. And when possible I stuck to rum and diet cokes. Since the mixer is calorie free, the whole drink is only 65 calories. It's the fruity drinks and mixers that really get you. If you drink beer, stick to light beer. And try to do some dancing! It burns calories!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    First thing is don't stress over it. You have to allow yourself time that you can kick back and not stress over the calories, or you may come to resent it. Back when I was super motivated, if I had plans to go to a party I would get in a really hard workout that day so I'd have tons of extra calories to spare. The day after, you gotta get right back into routine and not allow yourself to stay in "off" mode. For the rest of the weekend drink plenty of water, stay away from sodium, eat well, and get in some more extra exercise. Have fun!
  • just remind yourself that your weight loss and lifestyle change is more important than the calories you will consume in beer.....I'm not a smoker and i hope that habit gets kicked one day because smoking is something that really puts some hurt on your life; anywho, you just have to weight whats important and then make your choices on your consumption..

    Its not a big battle for me because I dont drink or smoke or party, so I cant imagine the weight on your shoulders, but i do know the importance of weight loss and becoming healthy.
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