Rest Week | End of 9-10 week lifting cycle | Calories to stay losing during rest week.

Hey guys! Ive posted here before and i just wanted some help with my calories during a rest week from my lifting cycle as i have pushed myself 6-7 days a week for the last 9-10 weeks but it has caught up with me! I just started my job back after leaving and taking time off to enjoy life for 2 months so during the time i could handle the gym 6-7 days a week but now with a job im physically up and down 8 hours a day walking 14kish steps i have burnt myself up!
But at 2450 calories i lost 1.6 last week w/ 5 days exersise 4 of those lifting big muscle groups all with 20 min cardio to give you a idea of what i did!
Im 5 10 at 177 lbs
My shoulder width measuring my chest area is 39 inches & biceps 16 inches around just to give you some i guess “muscular size” data to go off of, not the strongest lifter, but i would say i do have some size, anyways
If anyone could give me a rough guess i would apperciate it!
My diet consist of chicken, whole wheat, guacamole, oatmega bars, peanut butter ww crackers, sometimes meatless meatball patties, brown rice, egg whites, whole egg, skim milk, kind bars (no sugar added) apples, bananas, yellow corn tortillas, and ect, thats what most of my diet consist of, 4 snacks a day and 3 400 calories meals about.
Reasons for rest week!
Fatigue, depression on stress due to weight not being where i want it to be. Light headness at work, constantly hungry, no energy, loss of sleep, pains and aches.