What’s better?

Just wondering, is it better to do two half an hour rides on my exercise bike, one before breakfast and the other in the evening, or a full hour before breakfast and none in the evening? I’m trying to lose about 15 pounds and want to make sure I’m doing the best I can. Any advice on exercise would be appreciated as I’m very much a newbie!


  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    it ALL depends on how much effort you can put in with either one ..... if you bimble about for the 1st 15 minutes until you are warmed up and get get going .... then you will be better off doing the hour as you will get a full 45mins in as opposed to jjust the end 2x15 mins ..... BUT ... if you can hit the floor pedalling and bust out decent power from the go, then in theory you can do 2x30min HIIT which should burn more than running out of energy half way through your hour.

    All that said though

    I beleive in mixing it up .. its better for endurance, sprinting, keeping your interest ... so I would swap them about and change what you do every now again ... do both
  • kerryAb22
    kerryAb22 Posts: 8 Member
    h1udd wrote: »
    it ALL depends on how much effort you can put in with either one ..... if you bimble about for the 1st 15 minutes until you are warmed up and get get going .... then you will be better off doing the hour as you will get a full 45mins in as opposed to jjust the end 2x15 mins ..... BUT ... if you can hit the floor pedalling and bust out decent power from the go, then in theory you can do 2x30min HIIT which should burn more than running out of energy half way through your hour.

    All that said though

    I beleive in mixing it up .. its better for endurance, sprinting, keeping your interest ... so I would swap them about and change what you do every now again ... do both

    Thank you! That makes sense. I guess it depends, some mornings I’m more tired than others so the first 15 minutes is definitely not full effort, yet others I can give full effort in for the whole half an hour. So maybe the days I’m a bit more tired I’ll go the hour? Would I still need to exercise in the evenings too with the mornings I can go for an hour?
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "What’s better?" The routine you will be regularly. Do you prefer one over the other? Do that one.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    kerryAb22 wrote: »
    Just wondering, is it better to do two half an hour rides on my exercise bike, one before breakfast and the other in the evening, or a full hour before breakfast and none in the evening? I’m trying to lose about 15 pounds and want to make sure I’m doing the best I can. Any advice on exercise would be appreciated as I’m very much a newbie!

    Neither. Doing exercise to lose weight rarely works out the way you expect. Exercise for your health. If you enjoy cycling, do it in a way that makes you a better cyclist. Focus on your diet to lose the weight.

    Good luck.