Feedback on Polar HRM and\or Polar training programs

My old polar HRM broke a few days ago and I am looking to buy a new HRM (more than likely a Polar HRM).

I'm most interested (so far) in the RC3 GPS but am open to other models that provide similar services. I am also interested feedback on the training program that integrates with the site:

The HRM is upwards of $250 so I want to get some feedback if any folks here have any experience with the product or service.

Personal info:
Exercise is primarily running, Crossfit, hiking, and swim for exercise (looking to add cycling).
I currently track my running\hiking with Runtastic so I can measure how far I go for exercise.
I love collecting\analyzing data about my exercise
I want to improve my running performance (i have gone the distance, but now i want to go that same distance faster).

TIA for any feedback!
