I have been eating 600-800 calories a day...



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator

    What would an adequate deficit be?? Also: I really like my weight right now so I dont really plan to gain like Stacy did/ get more muscular.. !! I just want to be toned really!! And when I workout, I dont feel weak or tired!! Im pretty energized!

    Toned just means less body fat. It really depends on your stats are now. How much do you weigh and how tall are you. If you do not weight enough (or very low end of an acceptable weight) it's going to be very difficult to get lean because you do not have enough lean body mass to get there. I see this all the time with women and men who are very low in weight. Which means you need to bulk up and add more muscle. And trust me, you will not get ripped like staci unless you powerlift for 2 hours a day and eat 4000 calories. Right now, it's probably closer to 1800-2200 calories to cut and more to bulk.
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    I'm sure my metabolism is screwed up so don't go by what I say; but from December to April I was subsisting on 300-400 calories a day trying to maintain a weight (that apparently my body wasn't liking) and eventually in April my doctor told me that I have an eating disorder. (Yeah, pretty easy to figure that one out.) Well, I had a really hard time starting to eat again! Everything was grossing me out! So then I went back to my OLD ways of eating: junk food. And let me tell you, I don't know about starvation mode or not, but I can tell you that I weigh 22 lbs more today than I did in April! It *is* scary stuff. Please take good care of yourself, and try to get help from a doctor and/or a counsellor or nutrition expert. Not random peeps on the internet. :) xo
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    It is impossible to get the required nutrients from a VLCD. I have looked at your profile, and it says you only had 7 pounds to lose. Is this correct?

    You're very young, and extreme dieting is not a good habit to start. With 7 pounds, you're better off eating at maintenance or just below maintenance and getting your body in the shape you want through balancing your macros and through resistance training.

    Eating too little will disrupt your hormones, destroy your lean mass, and make you very, very tired, so don't do it. Pick up something heavy instead and get yourself strong. You won't get bulky or put on any extreme amounts of muscle. What you will do is get tight, which I'm guessing is what you want.

    As for gaining a lot of weight back, that isn't true. You will replenish glycogen. Honestly, if you've been bouncing around with 7 pounds on 600-800 calories, it is doubtful you've lost much fat. More than likely, it's lean mass and glycogen. When you're thin already, the way to lose fat is to eat just under maintenance and resistance train. In other words, body recomposition.
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    It is impossible to get the required nutrients from a VLCD. I have looked at your profile, and it says you only had 7 pounds to lose. Is this correct?

    You're very young, and extreme dieting is not a good habit to start. With 7 pounds, you're better off eating at maintenance or just below maintenance and getting your body in the shape you want through balancing your macros and through resistance training.

    Eating too little will disrupt your hormones, destroy your lean mass, and make you very, very tired, so don't do it. Pick up something heavy instead and get yourself strong. You won't get bulky or put on any extreme amounts of muscle. What you will do is get tight, which I'm guessing is what you want.

    As for gaining a lot of weight back, that isn't true. You will replenish glycogen. Honestly, if you've been bouncing around with 7 pounds on 600-800 calories, it is doubtful you've lost much fat. More than likely, it's lean mass and glycogen. When you're thin already, the way to lose fat is to eat just under maintenance and resistance train. In other words, body recomposition.

    Yes I only needed to lost 7 pounds!!Thank you for understanding!! Okay, what is body recomposition?? I was never overweight, I was at a healthy weight and I still am at a healthy weight and I plan at staying at a healthy weight!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    It is impossible to get the required nutrients from a VLCD. I have looked at your profile, and it says you only had 7 pounds to lose. Is this correct?

    You're very young, and extreme dieting is not a good habit to start. With 7 pounds, you're better off eating at maintenance or just below maintenance and getting your body in the shape you want through balancing your macros and through resistance training.

    Eating too little will disrupt your hormones, destroy your lean mass, and make you very, very tired, so don't do it. Pick up something heavy instead and get yourself strong. You won't get bulky or put on any extreme amounts of muscle. What you will do is get tight, which I'm guessing is what you want.

    As for gaining a lot of weight back, that isn't true. You will replenish glycogen. Honestly, if you've been bouncing around with 7 pounds on 600-800 calories, it is doubtful you've lost much fat. More than likely, it's lean mass and glycogen. When you're thin already, the way to lose fat is to eat just under maintenance and resistance train. In other words, body recomposition.

    Highly concur with this. That is why my official response is to eat 2100 calories, macro's around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats and do a lot of lifting.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    It is possible that you'll regain some of the weight back after adhering to a VLCD. If this is the case, do not be frightened and cut back calories in response. Be patient and your weight will stabilize eventually once you hit your adjusted TDEE. If you've been assuming a VLCD for a few months, you may want to continue to eat at maintenance for a few weeks to allow hormones and RMR to recover. Most importantly, it will help you psychologically regarding a healthier relationship with food.
  • Julia66227
    Julia66227 Posts: 4 Member
    I actually did 11 days of around 800 calories while doing Bob Harper's "Jump Start To Skinny". I could not do the full 3 weeks of his plan because I had no energy. I lost 8 pounds in those 11 days but I put 6 of them right back on as soon as I went back to my previous calorie level of 1200-1400 a day. It took me several days to get my body back to where it was so that I was slowly losing again. So in my opinion, the low cal plans might seem to work short term, but they are unsustainable. You are better off losing slowly with a steady calorie intake. Sure it's slower, but it's safer and a better plan in the long run.
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    I actually did 11 days of around 800 calories while doing Bob Harper's "Jump Start To Skinny". I could not do the full 3 weeks of his plan because I had no energy. I lost 8 pounds in those 11 days but I put 6 of them right back on as soon as I went back to my previous calorie level of 1200-1400 a day. It took me several days to get my body back to where it was so that I was slowly losing again. So in my opinion, the low cal plans might seem to work short term, but they are unsustainable. You are better off losing slowly with a steady calorie intake. Sure it's slower, but it's safer and a better plan in the long run.

    I did not purposely eat this many calories, usually I eat this many calories and feel full.... And Not all days were 800!! Many days ranged from 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000s... etc!! So its kinda always different? Yesterday I was able to get up to 900 and something and today I am at 1000 and something!! How much would you say you gained back over that time, just wondering? Also I am trying to raise my calories today but I am already full so would it make sense for me to eat just for the heck of it (its around 7:30 I figure it wouldnt feel forced if I ate at 8:30 or something, unless eating around then will make me gain?)??
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I was really hoping the body of your thread was going to say, "For breakfast."
    That was my first thought too, word for word! :laugh:
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I must also add I am very afraid of gaining weight. I work out everyday and if I dont get a chance to work out that day, I become super angry with myself.. Also I usually feel gulity everytime I eat anything and I do check the scale a lot ( even though my scales at home are broken/dont work properly and only when I was at my doctors office and my aunts house, I was finally able to tell my actual weight. If I ever eat something that is sorta like a treat ( ex. cake or a burger) I get mad at myself, etc. which is why I dont ever treat myself unless I am going somewhere (like a party or out with friends) and thats all they have to eat.

    This worries me. You should not feel guilty for fueling your body, ever. You can eat whatever foods you find tasty as long as you stay within your weight loss deficit. If a piece of cake or a burger fits in and helps you meet your goal there is nothing at all wrong with eating it. You might consider talking to someone about your feelings on food and eating. Let the guilt go. You'll be much happier and, in my experience, happier as well.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    This quiz may help determine if there are issues. http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/eat.htm.

    I'm not saying you have a disorder, but some of your comments (excessive fear of regaining weight when you were never at an unhealthy weight to begin with) suggest a unhealthy relationship with food.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    There are a ton of ways to increase calories without raising quantity. Replace your low calorie items with the following: nuts, avocado (or add on top), cheese, high calorie protein shake or bar, ice cream, drink some calories (especially post workouts), or literally eat peanut butter out of a jar. To suggest you get full off of 600 calories means you eat the wrong types of food. Also, start cooking all your meat in olive oil. Heck, look at my food diary and you will find ways to eat more. Heck 600 calories is a meal for me.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    WE ARE not eating enough,

    the old blue and white
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    This quiz may help determine if there are issues. http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/eat.htm.

    I'm not saying you have a disorder, but some of your comments (excessive fear of regaining weight when you were never at an unhealthy weight to begin with) suggest a unhealthy relationship with food.

    I did this and scored 17!! No eating disorder apparently ( i didnt think I had one either..) !! This was very useful, thank you!! I am glad I got a sense of where I am at.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.

    I do eat breakfast every day!! Its usually 100 - 200+ calories... Cereal is usually what I have!! With skim milk and sometimes fruit!

    Are you sure your calorie counts are accurate?

    ^^This is exactly what I was just wondering... I think that maybe you are eating more calories then you realize. Do measure and weigh everything you eat?

    I do think this is a factor!! many times I unable to find the foods I just ate on the list of foods to log...

    If you can't find the food on the database, you can add it (provided it has a nutritional panel!)
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Sometimes people who are "starving" feel a sense of euphoria (anorexics get this, not saying you are one or are trying to be one intetionally, it's just a process the body goes through ...), which may explain why you are feeling "good"... It's not good to eat that little, you are putting unnecessary stress on your body systems ...

    ETA: Eat your goal amount + exercise calories, I do ... I'm 5'2, 103 lbs (petite frame), and have hpothyroid issues (I am medicated w/ T3/T4 (synthetic) replacement,) ... Don't be scared to ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you eat that number of calories, your body could go into starvation mode. Which will effect blood cell production and heart contractions and digestive action slow down. I would rethink your meals plans. Still eat the same amount in portions, but things high calorie. And try staying at least in the 1200's. Good luck!!

    sorry but this is wrong, wrong, wrong..

    Starvation mode is eating nothing - AKA zero calories - for a period of 72 hours and then your body turns on itself for energy ..IE burn muscle for energy....

    I believe you are confusing starvation mode with metabolic slowdown...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.

    I do eat breakfast every day!! Its usually 100 - 200+ calories... Cereal is usually what I have!! With skim milk and sometimes fruit!

    have three eggs and toast that will get you like 400 cals, easy...
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Up it to your maintenance calories, drink lots of water and workout daily. If you gain it's only gonna be water weight and it will all get back to normal. Just my opinion, I'm no dietitian. your at your goal weight don't sweat the small stuff!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Glorious Fat!

    Concentrated calories for a small amount. A beautiful olive oil or a stir fry with canola. Nuts, avocados, a tasty piece of marbled beef, or cookies, LOL. Just think of how pretty and shiny your hair will be.