Have You Tried A Liquid Only Diet?



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I might have come across as rude. It wasn't my intent. I was actually concerned because the OP seemed fixated on the notion even though it was a mostly negative experience.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    I have had a colonic before (I might have had a series of 2 or 3--it was about 20 years ago) and also have done juice fasts. If you are into new age type stuff, you might consider the colonic a way to get rid of some negative energy. After I had mine a lot of changes happened in my life (none of them physical) --positive ones that I felt at the time were triggered by certain health treatments. (This is all in the mind of course).

    I would not recommend any liquid diets or juice fasts unless required by a doctor. I always lost some weight but then I'd gain it back and then some. I think it can help to reset your taste buds and if you do it long enough (I've done 2 weeks) then you lose some of the cravings from sugar and junk food. But really it isn't worth it because it's not long enough to establish any long term habits and the impulse after finishing the fast/liquid diet, is just to eat more, hence the weight comes back on.

    Non medical juice/water fasting should only be done for religious/meditation purposes and it should be quite limited in time. It is like most things... if you practice it practice in moderation. When I was younger I might fast for 48 hours now that I am older when I choose to do it is 24 hours. But it has never been about health or weight loss.
  • MushroomLadyJR
    MushroomLadyJR Posts: 89 Member
    My partner just had two teeth removed and so he is on a soft diet. He's not happy and is pretty much starving 24/7... despite adding copius amounts of avocado, butter, and peanut butter to pretty much everything. Watching him go through this has pretty much made me realize that getting wisdom teeth removed sucks for more reasons than just the surgery :neutral:
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
  • vinceinalabama
    vinceinalabama Posts: 20 Member
    All right. Even though everyone is different and we all have different needs I don't think anyone should attempt a 'liquid diet' if they are able to avoid doing so! I hope this isn't TMI for anyone but a strictly liquid diet could possibly cause an individual to have a bad case of diarrhea over time! And diarrhea can seriously dehydrate you!!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    My partner just had two teeth removed and so he is on a soft diet. He's not happy and is pretty much starving 24/7... despite adding copius amounts of avocado, butter, and peanut butter to pretty much everything. Watching him go through this has pretty much made me realize that getting wisdom teeth removed sucks for more reasons than just the surgery :neutral:

    everyone is different. when I had my wisdom teeth removed I didnt do the soft diet as I could still eat normally. the surgeon(maxillofacial) said to eat what I wanted within reason and of course if it hurt then scale back to softer things. I had to have mine cut out as they were impacted. my kids had the same issue and had theirs cut out too. same thing they were eating normal foods that evening with no issues stemming from it. I barely had any pain getting mine out. I was taking motrin for the pain instead of the pain pills.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    May I please offer a diffrent sugestions: I had 18teeth pulled in 2008 because of cancer. So I have no teeth and that denture is like chewing on rubber when you eat its just too hard to wear them. For $1800.00 they could beable to eat with them. Anyway I live on a liquid diet 70% of the time. Even today, I have Strawberrys and a lemon, lime puree' I have A liquid soup blended in a blender, I have fruit soup liquidfied. I even took a Coconut and poored the juice in the blender add the coconut and puree'. That is my lunch with a cup of tea, a glass of water. I also have omlet. eggs are great an soft you can put anything in them to make a wonderful meal.

    Creamy Curried Cauliflower Soup.
    Butternut Squash, Apple and Sage Soup.
    Cream of Tomato Soup.
    Apple and Parsnip Soup.

    recipes/liquid-soups you can look it up~

    Hearty soups ( cream of asparagus, lentil, minestrone, split pea )
    Juices ( cranberry, apple, grape), avoid citrus juices for a few days.
    Herbal Tea.
    Yogurt ( soft or frozen )
    Soft fruits ( banana, papaya, berries, canned peaches or pears)

    Hearty soups ( cream of asparagus, lentil, minestrone, split pea )
    Juices ( cranberry, apple, grape), avoid citrus juices for a few days
    Herbal Tea
    Yogurt ( soft or frozen )
    Soft fruits ( banana, papaya, berries, canned peaches or pears)
    Ice cream and milkshakes
    Fresh cooked vegetables
    Fruit smoothies/protein shakes
    Oatmeal/cream of wheat
    Eggs ( scrambled, soft boiled, egg salad)
    Mashed Potatoes
    Rice, Risotto
    Pasta ( plain or with sauce)
    Fish ( soft white fish, sole, trout)
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited May 2018
    Might want to look into a low-residual diet if GI issues (pretty much a little-no fiber diet) - main advantage in reducing BMs/week; would not recommend a completely liquid diet (unless reasonably necessary temporarily like post wisdom teeth removal, post bariatric surgery, etc.). Once in a blue moon I will do 1 day liquid diet simply from not being hungry but needing to get in kcals (mostly yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, etc. - really semi-solid/"liquidy")

    Not something to do long term...
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    SaunaSuit wrote: »
    May I please offer a diffrent sugestions: I had 18teeth pulled in 2008 because of cancer. So I have no teeth and that denture is like chewing on rubber when you eat its just too hard to wear them. For $1800.00 they could beable to eat with them. Anyway I live on a liquid diet 70% of the time. Even today, I have Strawberrys and a lemon, lime puree' I have A liquid soup blended in a blender, I have fruit soup liquidfied. I even took a Coconut and poored the juice in the blender add the coconut and puree'. That is my lunch with a cup of tea, a glass of water. I also have omlet. eggs are great an soft you can put anything in them to make a wonderful meal.

    Creamy Curried Cauliflower Soup.
    Butternut Squash, Apple and Sage Soup.
    Cream of Tomato Soup.
    Apple and Parsnip Soup.

    recipes/liquid-soups you can look it up~

    Hearty soups ( cream of asparagus, lentil, minestrone, split pea )
    Juices ( cranberry, apple, grape), avoid citrus juices for a few days.
    Herbal Tea.
    Yogurt ( soft or frozen )
    Soft fruits ( banana, papaya, berries, canned peaches or pears)

    Hearty soups ( cream of asparagus, lentil, minestrone, split pea )
    Juices ( cranberry, apple, grape), avoid citrus juices for a few days
    Herbal Tea
    Yogurt ( soft or frozen )
    Soft fruits ( banana, papaya, berries, canned peaches or pears)
    Ice cream and milkshakes
    Fresh cooked vegetables
    Fruit smoothies/protein shakes
    Oatmeal/cream of wheat
    Eggs ( scrambled, soft boiled, egg salad)
    Mashed Potatoes
    Rice, Risotto
    Pasta ( plain or with sauce)
    Fish ( soft white fish, sole, trout)

    theres a difference between needing to eat a liquid/soft diet for one reason(health issues) and then theres the reason people think it will make weight loss work faster and that its sustainable long term. some think it jumpstarts things and it doesnt. sorry you had cancer but people wanting to do it for weight loss reasons are going about it the wrong way
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    SaunaSuit wrote: »
    In the begining I juiced back in 2004 to 2008 and you can see my picture I have posted, I was thin, I was healthy and I was happy, I ran a childcare center and put my 2 kids through college along with my son in law and had a grandchild. All these factors I was moving, I also had a gym in my house that I got up at 4am and exercised and life was good. Just one year out of c-cancer. I have done liquid/soft diets for weight loss and I swear by them.

    while I was a young girl in the 7th grade a neighbor Cathy Buttler who had like 7 sisters thin as can be and a brother, They all teased her, the doctors put braces on her teeth and WIRED HER MOUTH SHUT! she had to eat through a straw for 6months. She lost over 100lbs in the 8th grade. She was so nice to everyone but everyone taunted her. I was her only friend. Her sisters who were only like 65lbs those really skinny kids size 0# in pants who was in the 10th grade. Would wave food in front of her face. Her parents sent her off to camp that summer and when she got back she was 135lbs going in the 9th grade. She looked great! May years later I saw her on a talk host show she was 385lbs and sitting on a huge couch. I saw the tears running down her face~

    all the diets in the world can not help with you have a broken heart~ When you have been bullied your entire life by family members, school mates or relationships. Once a Horse is broken it is broken, once a Rock is Broken (cracked) no glue in the world will keep that bolder togethter.

    I want to be skinny so maybe my own family will notice me again and I will not be the "CANCER" that has invaded their "EYE" IMAGE~ In my own way, a liquid diet with a salid and veggies is a great way to lose weight. I'm not worried about 20yrs down the line. I'm woried about "NEXT YEAR".

    I don't do long term diets they are defeting. I do short term monthly diets and I am losing weight and in that I am watching myself change. I have "HOPE", "COURAGE" and when I look in the mirror I don't see a :Stranger: I see "ME"

    I was bullied in school too and also by some of the teachers. I was often even ganged up on not just by girls but by boys too,jumped from behind,beaten on hair pulled. and if you are worried about what your family thinks about you then you need to see someone for some kind of therapy. I dont mean that in a harsh way either. you do not need anyones validation for anything. Diets should have nothing to do with having a broken heart or having issues mentally. thats not a way to fix things with yor mental state.

    you need to get your mental state straightened out first before anything else. you need to stop worrying about what others think or see. you have to love yourself first and foremost. the way to lose weight is a calorie deficit and wanting to lose weight so others will see you as something else and trying to have something to prove is not going to go well at all. I have been bullied by family as well. I am about to be 44 and I could give two craps about what they think of me.thats their opinion and I dont need for them to approve of me.

    I live my life for ME no one else. and you should not either. you have to have a health relationship with food or its going to be a struggle the rest of your life. its not healthy especially if you arent getting enough fat,protein or calories. DIets cant help with a broken heart the only thing that can help with that is time and learning to deal with your issues and feelings.

    also some people bully others because they feel bad about themselves and it makes them feel better to treat others like garbage. it has nothing to do with you. sometimes its due to jealously and wanting to be that person. point is if you think you have to redeem yourself in other peoples eyes then you will never be happy and will always be let down. either they accept you for who you are or they dont. if they cant its time to move on with your life and leave them behind family or not!