Keto lifestyle

Starting my journey on the Keto lifestyle! Message me about your keto experience! How long have you been in ketosis?/weight loss?/foods!
4/7/18 was my 1st official day!
It would be super cool if you're new too, so we can easily share experiences and keep each other on track! B)


  • katrinankelly
    katrinankelly Posts: 23 Member
    Add me I’m trying this lifestyle out, I started a couple of days ago but didn’t realise apples and bananas are a no no do have failed so far, this isn’t an easy diet x
  • cassiehealth213
    cassiehealth213 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm still figuring out this app so idk how to add someone
  • HdezJ
    HdezJ Posts: 162 Member
    Hey there! I've been doing keto on and off for about 2 yrs. It works!!! I went from 195 to 165 in about 2 months. Now I've been strict keto for about 4 months and getting lean like crazy.
  • HdezJ
    HdezJ Posts: 162 Member
    Keep it simple!
    Keto friendly = butter, olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, bacon, ground beef (shoot for 70/30), fatty meats, ranch, cheese, cream cheese, pecans, almonds, macadamia nuts, eggs, spinach, kale, lettuce, mushrooms

    Just to name a few

    Bad = pretty much all fruit, root type vegetables, sugar, bread, rice, flour, milk, candy, chips, watch out for many tomatoe sauces
  • Jesca1976
    Jesca1976 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been doing the Keto woe since Sept 2017. I feel better than ever and I'm still working on making progress to my end goal. So far I've lost 33 lbs with very little exercise effort (though, I need to add some of that too!).

    If you need any resources or recipes, I have collected a lot of those. I'm always trying out new things.
  • altargreene85
    altargreene85 Posts: 16 Member
    u loose weight fast... im on ny 2nd week
  • dangerousdashie
    dangerousdashie Posts: 119 Member
    Hey I’ve been keto 4 yrs, 1.5 without cheating