More than 100 lbs to go! Seek friends to motivate.

At 304 pounds and a BMI of 61.7, I have my work cut out for me. My wonderful wife and 2 awesome kids need me to be a better role model. I am 47. Many years of being a sedentary computer nerd have taken some tolls. Who could have known that typing is not an actual exercise? I'm hoping to make some great healthy changes and could use some friends for support and encouragement, I would love to be a part of people's lives who also face difficult challenges. Its harder to slack off when you know someone may be watching! :smile: Thanks, and hope to hear from you. -Rob


  • Kstein56
    Hi Rob I can relate because today I started on a new journey to become healthier for myself and to be able to do stuff with my husband and grandchildren. I am 56 . I have played the yoyo game for almost 30 years and in the past 7 years have started to have physical problems which just packed on more weight when I hurt to much to walk so began to spend hours playing games on the computer or laying in bed watching tv Today I weighed in at the doctor's at a whopping 254 lb and about flipped seeing as I had packed another 15 pounds on in 3 months My goal is to get to 150 lbs Would love to have feedback and become accountable Karen