Need to lose 31 pounds.

I weigh 175 I am a male. Add me on here to critique my calorie intake. I run 2 miles almost every other day. How long do you think it ill take me to reach my goal? You are welcome to give me tips on helping me reach my goal.


  • mariabowskill7
    We are about the same weight and looking to lose the same amount. My friend who lost about the same amount maybe a little more and encouraged her husband to lose wight too, who i might add is now a fitness instructor, gave me a little tip about running..... she would jog or walk fast to the park, then jog or walk fast for 1 minute 30 then run flat out as fast as she could for 30 seconds, then back to jog/walk fast for 1 minute 30 then full on again for 30 seconds, she would just keep doing this for about 20 minutes then walk home, it's called interval training. apparently it makes you body ready for any situation kinda tricking it and helps to shed the pounds faster. Good luck with your journey