Brentosaurus94 Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2018 in Success Stories
Alright fellow fitness pals!
I started my second round of Keto about a week and a half now and I can’t say how happy I am to be back on it!
Now it does have its pro’s and con’s.. but I can easily say that it works for me. Kicking the sugar and really fighting back the temptations of the carb loaded meals. Chocolate ice cream and milkshakes too.. the list goes on and on haha.

I work as a full time retail assistant in Melbourne’s south east which gives me light/moderate exercise I don’t really need to go crazy at a gym or the ol run around the block. I come home to my beautiful partner and our cheeky son of 14 months.. so as you could imagine dinner time prep and cook starts pretty much as soon as I walk in the door lol.

I usually skip breakfast and that gives me about a 16 hour morning/night fast until lunch arrives at work ( 8pm to 12pm ) the great thing is we have an awesome tuck shop we get every day which I go hard at the $13 lunch limit provided ( awesome yeah?!).

Bacon, eggs, snags, a little bit of cooked onion and some greens all washed down with at least 2 litres of water throughout the day. Sometimes chicken or beef roast if it’s on the specials list.
For Dinner it mostly consists of either mince, steak or chops for my protein and fats, then again either some leafy greens or veg for my carbs.

After my last weigh in (every Sunday morning) I lost 3kgs on the first week! (89 down to 86) my goal being to slip into the 70s for the first time in about 6 years after tipping the 100 mark 8 months ago.
So a week and a half in and I’m feeling great! A lot better then the first time 6 months ago. Hardly any sugar withdrawal’s as I knew what I was getting myself into and prepared a few days before with leaning myself off the fizzy drinks and chocolate ( my kriptonite haha ).

My first lot of keto 6 months ago only lasted for 3 weeks and gave in due to really craving some rice due to a Chinese takeaway literally next door!! 9 kilos lost from 95 down to 86, I was feeling awesome but still a bit upset I didn’t last my month goal :( so this time I’m sticking to it, 30 days keto no matter what! Surly im bound to drop back into the high 70s and then to begin to training game!

So stick it out through the first 2-6 withdrawal stage and stay focused on the prize, I sure am and i can definitely feel and see some change!
But before you jump straight into it, be sure to do some research to make sure it’s the diet for you, i was guided by a good friend who had done 6 rounds of keto and shared some YouTube clips that detail the pros and cons to make sure if I was up for it or not. So please do your research!

Im all for your questions and your own personal keto story’s!

Peace out pals!


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    It wasn’t for me, I had the same angst you are experiencing now. To me, it was just easier counting my calorie intake.

    So if you find you cannot continue with this WOE, try just counting calories. It worked for me.

    Best wishes!
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    That's amazing! I agree that it's absolutely worth it to stick it out through the keto flu. I felt icky then, but three months later I have more energy than ever, am rarely hungry and am happy with the lifestyle!
  • sugarnspice0613
    sugarnspice0613 Posts: 109 Member
    I felt like I was starving no matter how many vegetables I ate the entire time I only counted calories which lead to binge eating. Breads, rice, and pastas were not keeping me full although they were contributing a lot to my calorie count. I’m not exactly keto but I do try to limit carbs and eat a lot of fat. It’s hard to push through the transition, but for me, it’s so wonderful and usually smooth sailing afterwards. I don’t let it become restrictive. We try to limit how many times we eat out, so when we do, I eat whatever I want without counting calories or carbs, and then I just get back to my normal eating after that.
  • KaitlynPeri
    KaitlynPeri Posts: 45 Member
    I’m on my second round of Keto too!

    August 2016 I threw out all of the carbs sugar laden foods in our house and stocked up on good fats, protein and low carb vegetables. 6 months in and everything was going great I was down almost 50lbs! I wanted to do this forever!

    Everything came screeching to a halt when I found out I was pregnant, my doctor recommended I stop Keto as there wasn’t enough research out there. So I went back to a carb based diet and ended up gaining 60lbs, getting Gestational Diabetes and had to inject insulin. At my 6 month postpartum appointment with the endocrinologist I was diagnosed with pre-Diabetes and have been here ever since. I’m down almost 34lbs and ready to crush it.
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    I lost 70 lbs the first time I did LCHF ( I don't think I was ever keto that time) and just last week after regaining 20lbs I have decided to start keto. I've lost 9lbs in 1 week already but my partner who is doing it with me hasn't lost anything and I'm so confused why he hasn't lost. He eats exactly what I eat. Maybe he's losing inches but not pounds? I've never seen someone not lose on keto and I'm not a noob so I've done all his meal preps. Anyway best of luck! Keto on!
  • sw91684
    sw91684 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2018
    Anyone interested in Keto need to read up on becoming Fat Adapted which takes weeks. Weight loss the 1st week is mainly water weight. Keto is a life style change and takes effort.

  • krwallis
    krwallis Posts: 21 Member
    Been Keto/Low Carb since July 2017. NOTHING else worked. Down 52 pounds so far, NEVER hungry and I get to eat a TON of delicous fatty food. Stick with does get easier after you break the addiction to carbs.
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