wth do people eat on 1500 calories?



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    IDK i'd miss fat. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
  • PhoenixEve
    PhoenixEve Posts: 131 Member
    holy bejeesuses I can't believe I'm finally able to access this thread. Wow. Writing quickly to get it in.

    1) Thanks everyone, AGAIN

    2) Consensus = a) reduce cals slowly & b) increase fibre (veg), slowly - COPY THAT

    3) Yes, have an IBS dx from a clinical exam (no lab though, so it's just me going 'yeah I get the runs etc' and everyone agreeing it kinda sucks). Not really keen on adding that to my list of things to see docs about. This msk stuff is a pain too, am very reluctant about getting into it with the doctors etc. My previous experience (re another injury) has shown this can be a long & fruitless path. Months of spending hours in a waiting room 3x a week with nothing to show for it. But the fact is, I can't walk to the park beside my place without stopping 6 times. So will *have to* do it for that one. For guts, I'll just deal with the gurgles.

    Research IBS and gluten intolerance/celiac.

    Also, feel free to browse my diary. I eat around 1500 (more or less depending on activity level). Some days are healthier choices than others, i'm pretty flexible with what i eat, even on a gluten-free diet.