What do you do when you dont feel like working out :((

Ok heres the thing I've been struggling for months now...I mean MONTHS!! Since nov/09 I've been working out off and on....Well the past 4 weeks now I've been taking it a bit more seriously ONLY because my fiance' himself has lost alot of weight ..He is on a biking/hiking/backpacking thing in Europe...Well he looks amazing!! I'm very proud of him!! But now I feel like crap...I don't want to look like "this" when he gets back..(he comes back in sept./oct. he isn't sure)....I mean I kno it's not a good thing for me to wana lose this weight for a "guy"...Cause deep down I don't want to do it for him i wana do it for ME..and then for my daughter and then for my relationship..I know doing this will better the relationship..But I've been feeling like ughhh..My mind says DO IT GINGER NOW!! my body is like...Ehhh who cares he loves you no matter what you look like...BUT come on now..its the worst feeling..at least for me..when your love is feeling great and looking amazing and you can't stand what you yourself look like anymore....So now what can I do to motivate myself..you would think that this would..but it's like one moment I'm excited to have this new way of life and then i get so depressed and blah that I don't wana do it...What do you guys do when you feel this way?! Is there any suggestions..thoughts..etc..etc.. thanx for any help that is given!!!
Ginger :flowerforyou:


  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    I set an appointment. If you need to, put it on your calendar. I decide in the morning, or sometimes the day before, what time I will work out that day. I don't vary from it unless there's an emergency (like my wife falling off her bike Monday and breaking her leg). I don't think about whether I want to or not. It's an appointment, like a meeting or any other obligation. If I'm at work, I make sure to take my workout clothes with me rather than go home first, because if I get home, I will be more likely to break the appointment. Finally, find the time of day when you are at your most energetic and try to arrange to be able to work out then. I've gotten to the point where I can work out any time day or night, but if I'm struggling to motivate myself, I schedule workouts for right after I get up, because I am a definite morning person. Plus, it feels so great to be finished and know that you have the whole day to look forward to without worrying about getting that workout in.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I don't feel like working out sometimes either. But I always tell myself to do at least a few minutes and then I usually finish the workout. The first 15 minutes are always the hardest - it's just a mental hurdle you have to get over.

    Don't get down because your fiance is ahead of you.. that doesn't matter because putting your focus on where you COULD have been right now does nothing for where you could be in the future by working hard. Shift your focus to what you need to do to reach those goals! Trust me, I know that feeling better than anyone. I used to get upset because I would set goals and not get anywhere close to them by the time I wanted to. So now I just try to focus on the daily things I can do to reach my goals. That's when I'm happiest and when I have the most success!

    You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    I get my iPhone going with music while I get ready for a workout. The music gets me in the mood to move on days I just don't want to.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    What do your work outs consist of? You've got to do something you enjoy so that you'll stick with it. I walk, ride my bike, play tennis and occasionally go to the gym (usually only in the winter) and sometimes my WII fitness coach (it's fun but I am not big on "workout videos"). Find what you love to do and do it. Even walking a few miles a day is still GREAT exercise, it's low impact and almost everyone can do it. Just get your Ipod or whatever and hit the pavement. It can actually be a very relaxing way to exercise in my opinion because I like to just take in everything going on around me.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    This is a way to get you to work out. It is weird but I joined habitforge.com and it will email you every morning and ask you about whatever habit you inputted if you did it the day before. So you will select yes if you worked out the day before and it keeps a tally. It really sucks when you have to answer no and the count starts over. I hate it when I have 8 days straight in and then the count gos back to zero. It is a weird one but it is working for me.

    Hope this helps!
  • gingerra19800
    thank you all very much!! :bigsmile:
  • halfpint71
    halfpint71 Posts: 53 Member
    I get on the scale..
    If I have lost it encourages me to do more.
    If I have not it pushes me to do more.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I make a 10 minute deal with myself... get on the treadmill for 10 min and if I'm just not feeling it then I can quit. Usually I look down and the timer says 18 min or more. :happy: On the few days I DO stop I usually end up doing some basic things with hand weights and a couple of sets of crunches.

    If it's nice outside I'll take the dog for a walk around the block, and usually the dog wants to keep going and well I'm a softee... :laugh: :wink:
  • BeeZoe
    BeeZoe Posts: 37
    Simple :) I look at my calorie totals for the day and if I ate too much I "push play" (good old Tony Horton) and end my day knowing I burnt the extra calories and I WILL have lost that weight! One other sly trick is the wicked pair of too small jeans and the leather jacket that is too tight in my closet that I go try on and then shuffle out to the living room and get my butt in gear. ( I may mutter alot some days but I do it and it's worth it!)
  • solvig
    solvig Posts: 25
    I'm right there with you, on all aspects. My husband commutes on his bike about 24 miles round trip every day and I struggle just to get off the couch. I have to say though, last night having that same feeling, but knowing I needed to do it, not just for me, him or the dogs, I got my butt up and went for a short 3 mile bike ride and felt fabulous. Not only having done it, but the little victories I accomplished during the ride. It makes me a bit more willing to get off my butt for the next ride.

    Good luck and just find something you like to do. How about roller skating? That's something I want to start doing someday! :)
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    Sometimes, I just don't work out :-) I've found that forcing myself to go when I'm not in the mood is sometimes counterproductive. But usually I try to go at least for a little while, as others have suggested.

    A few other suggestions I've heard in various places (some I've tried, some I haven't):
    --If you work out in the morning, put your alarm clock on the other side of the room, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Sometimes getting out of bed is the hardest part of the workout!
    --Again if you work out in the morning, take your shower at the gym instead of at home. This forces you to at least GO to the gym...and then it would be silly to go to the gym just to shower, right? Might as well lift a few weights while you're there...
    --Find a partner. I'd recommend someone who is at about your same fitness level, so you aren't intimidated. It's a lot harder to skip a workout if you're letting someone else down.
    --Set up little rewards for yourself for small advances. For example, treat yourself to a small gift (new bottle of nail polish, new book/CD/movie, an afternoon nap--whatever works for you, but not food) for every week that you work out at least four days.

    Above all, don't compare yourself to your SO. I'm in a similar situation to you--my husband has lost some weight (not a lot, he was not overweight to begin with) and has become SUPER muscular over the last several months because he's taken up a more intense biking/weights routine. He looks amazing. Me, I still have thunder thighs and a big ol' butt. I'd love to be that in shape, but I keep reminding myself that we are two different people with different metabolisms, different body types, different attitudes, etc.
  • gingerra19800
    all of you really helped...i did 60 minz today! and it's true i shouldn't compare myself to him.. we are differnt.. but AGAIN THANK U ALL!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: