Cant lose weight

I’ve struggled past year with weight gain Iv put on 3 stone. Iv got gym do an hour and half 4 times a week. Burn 400-600 normally plus weights on top. I’m Not losing anything!!!
I’m also taking fat burning pills before workout and tried several brands and still no luck.


  • equidivine
    equidivine Posts: 101 Member
    I tracked my sleep with my Fitbit and last night slept 12 hours as had a bad day. Deep sleep was 2 half hours, but woke up 13 times. I try to eat porridge for breakfast then maybe a sandwich lunch, spag Bol dinner. I do snack weekends.on average I do 12,000 steps according to Fitbit I’m gym day.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    Exercise is overrated as a weight loss strategy. Start a food diary, calculate a modest calorie deficit, get a food scale and learn calorie counting.
    Figure out how you will cope with the calorie counting learning curve. Spend some time thinking about how you will deal with the time it takes to lose weight and how you will cope when discouraged. A moderate, livable calorie deficit really will result in lasting weight loss. It works. The mental aspect of sticking with it wrecks most efforts though. Your head will wreck you if you let it.
  • equidivine
    equidivine Posts: 101 Member
    I’m doing exactly what I did wnen I was 10 stone that’s the worry. Diet is same I record it all.
  • rj0150684
    rj0150684 Posts: 227 Member
    edited May 2018
    equidivine wrote: »
    I’m doing exactly what I did wnen I was 10 stone that’s the worry. Diet is same I record it all.

    You’ve been weighing and logging all your food and you put on 42lbs? That could be some kind of a medical issue.
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    equidivine wrote: »
    I’m doing exactly what I did wnen I was 10 stone that’s the worry. Diet is same I record it all.

    Are you using a food scale and accurately weighing and logging everything?
    If so can you open your diary so we can try to pinpoint the problem
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You mean you don't know how weightloss works?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited May 2018
    You are not eating the same as you did when you were maintaining 10 stone or you would not be 3 stone heavier! while exercise can aid weight loss if you are consuming more calories than you are burning you will not lose.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm not even gonna get into fat burning pills! such a waste of money plus goodness knows how detrimental they will be to your health in the long run - they aren't obviously working either.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    Are you being honest about your logging? Because your diary looks very sparse! Lots of extremely low calorie days and some days with no entries.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,080 Member
    edited May 2018
    Fat burning pills are either overpriced caffeine/laxatives or illegal stuff, neither work as a long term strategy for weight loss.

    Doing 90 minutes of exercise 4 times per week also does nothing for weight loss if you're not maintaining a calorie deficit.

    If you have gained 3 stone over about the last year you're gaining just under a pound per week, which is about 400 calories over your maintenance per day, which if you're underestimating food just a little and overestimating exercise just a bit is pretty easy to do.


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    Just my own unscientific observation. Sometimes WL strategies wear out. If something works for us, then stops working, there is a strong temptation to do more of the same but harder.

    If you are convinced that your diary is as tight as you can get it, just cut some calories. It may hurt. But plan a modest cut that you can live with and allow enough time for a valid test to see if you get some kind of movement.

    All the calculators are just based on averages. And no one is exactly average. The scale is only a feedback tool. Try a modest cut and see if you can get it ticking down.
  • equidivine
    equidivine Posts: 101 Member
    No Iv done a year with no gym or real exercise hence the 3 stone gain. I was a size 8 I’m now a 16. Have 3 kids and single mum so Iv only just started my 3 year old in nursery hence I now have time to gym.

    So I started back at gym 2 weeks ago and haven’t lost anything. I’m also logging food but do forget to log off day. My calorie goal is 1200 which I either meet, sometimes under when Iv done gym and sometimes over on days Iv not done gym. Ie weekend which adds up total week I’m normally under goal.

    When I’m at gym I walk uphill for 30 mins, jog 10 mins, go on bike for 20 mins and ski machine for 15. Then weights normally 1 arm and 2 legs. I burn around 500 calories normally.

    Just can’t understand how Iv gone from nothing to back at gym and not seeing any difference.
  • LW3380
    LW3380 Posts: 118 Member
    equidivine wrote: »
    No Iv done a year with no gym or real exercise hence the 3 stone gain. I was a size 8 I’m now a 16. Have 3 kids and single mum so Iv only just started my 3 year old in nursery hence I now have time to gym.

    So I started back at gym 2 weeks ago and haven’t lost anything. I’m also logging food but do forget to log off day. My calorie goal is 1200 which I either meet, sometimes under when Iv done gym and sometimes over on days Iv not done gym. Ie weekend which adds up total week I’m normally under goal.

    When I’m at gym I walk uphill for 30 mins, jog 10 mins, go on bike for 20 mins and ski machine for 15. Then weights normally 1 arm and 2 legs. I burn around 500 calories normally.

    Just can’t understand how Iv gone from nothing to back at gym and not seeing any difference.

    It's only been two weeks and looking through your diary there are hardly any entries....tighten up logging (and maybe check you are eating the correct amount; don't go for the lowest and hope for it to come off quickly, like a lot of people do on here).
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    It’s only been two weeks since you started trying to lose? Give it some time. That could just be related to your menstrual cycle or other things causing you to retain water. Remember that you didn’t gain that weight in a matter of weeks and it won’t come off in a matter of weeks, either - this isn’t a race.

    While you’re waiting, follow the advice upthread: log every single thing that goes in your mouth and start using a food scale if you haven’t been. I’d also add take measurements. I often have stretches of time where the scale doesn’t show me any loss, but a measuring tape and the fit of my clothes show that good changes are being made anyway.