
I'm attempting it again. I want to be more healthy and lose more weight, along with personal reasons. I haven't eaten meat in a week. I have 30 more pounds to lose to get where I want to be. Getting a gymship on Thursday next week. I walk 15,000 steps most days.. cut out soda from my diet. I still drink it but only occasionally. Looking for friends with similar goals!! Feel feee to comment, or add me


  • kissmynivarna
    kissmynivarna Posts: 38 Member
    edited May 2018
    I’ve been vegetarian for 13 years nearly 14 so I’d be happy to help if you’d like tips! I have 31 lbs to lose too to get where I’d like to be. I think I may be getting a gym membership also to push my body more. I don’t eat any carbohydrates such as bread, cereal, grains, starch’s or legumes as they are stored to fat reserves nearly immediately and our body doesn’t digest them well. I’d be happy to help although but I’m doing a different diet regime :)