Help me be accountable and I will help you!

Hey! I'm Ashley and I'm trying to loose 100 pounds. I find it so hard to stay motivated. I need healthy recipe ideas also! So if you have some that would be awesome! Thanks everyone!


  • lorrainefriend
    lorrainefriend Posts: 9 Member
    HI , I know how you feel , im really struggling at mo , but woken up this morning and feel loads more positive that I can do this . I used to work for slimming world and there curry recipes are lovely . If you lok up slimming world you can get loads recipes on line .
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    That's awesome that you're making the change! feel free to add me!
  • Hi I'm Becca and i'm in trying to lose a stone and tone up. benn at the gym 5 nights a week for 3 months and noticed no change whatsoever, so now im trying a stricter approach on my diet.
    Lets see how this goes!
  • cfilipi74
    cfilipi74 Posts: 63 Member
    I am in the same boat... trying to lose between 75 to 100 lbs myself. I've been a member of MFP on and off for a couple years, but this year I have really stuck to it. Feel free to add me and anyone else on here can add me as well! We all need the extra support and motivation to better ourselves.
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    He I'm trying to gain some muscle and definition and lower my body fat percentage. I also struggle to stay motivated and eat right.
  • need2shrink
    need2shrink Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Ashley, I just joined and am looking for friends who also have large goal amounts. Feel free to add me! Rob
  • annenhie
    annenhie Posts: 91 Member
    Hi there, I'm also looking to lose a lot of weight after being overweight all my life. It's time to make a change.
    Let' help keep each other motivated.

    Anyone who wants to add me, please feel free to do so. :)
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 995 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • I am also trying to lose a lil over 100 lbs. Im on daily and my diary is open =) Anyone feel free to add me!
  • kpick41
    kpick41 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm right here with you! You can do it. MFP has been a great support system.
  • You can add me as a friend. I can help with motivation I am also trying to lose 100 Pounds
  • valve90210
    valve90210 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I really need to lose a fair bit of weight and have found in the past that sticking with mfp has helped it go but I'm struggling with motivation at the moment and could use every bit of encouragement I can get!!
  • Beemerbabe02
    Beemerbabe02 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ashley
    We can do this, feel free to add me and lets hit our goals together:wink:
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    I am here as well. If you need support you can add me as a friend. I have been trying to do this and have failed many of times. I just don't know why I can't seem to do this. I quite smoking cold turkey Feb 1 2000. Don't you think that I could do this? Maybe I have to remind myself of that. You can't have too many friends to help you out along your journey. Anyone feel free to add me if you would like.
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    Hello all!! Not new to MFP but have been back on track for a couple weeks and lost 5lbs. Im a big runner and anyone can feel free to add me. We can all do this together

  • Hi, I'm in the same boat! I have a goal of losing 135 lbs, and I'm 16 pounds down as of Saturday! I would love more supportive friends! I'm on daily
  • siriuslestrange1
    siriuslestrange1 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey there Ashley! I've got over 100lbs to lose myself. I've been at this for almost a year now but I'm always looking for people to keep me on an even keel. Feel free to add me! If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to PM me. I'm a very open person :P
  • MacroMiranda
    MacroMiranda Posts: 78 Member
    Hi! I also have a grand total of 100 to lose, and could definitely use more friends for motivation and recipe swaps! Feel free to add.
  • Hi I'm Tiffany! I just signed up and need friends to keep me motivated! I have 45 pounds to goal!! Feel free to add me!