Does yogurt increase the sense of hunger?



  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    300 g = 10.5 ounces, an unusually large serving size. No problem with that, but it makes me wonder if OP was already hungry to start. If the OP had been fasting before eating the yogurt, and if the yogurt was low/non-fat and sugar free, it's conceivable that eating a small amount of food like that might just have triggered suppressed hunger. I'm sometimes like that -- if I miss a meal I don't actually feel hungry at all and have to force myself to eat something. Then once I eat I have to work harder not to binge.

    If that's the case, bottom line, not the yogurt's fault, it would have happened with almost any similar amount of food / calories.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    If yogurt contains artificial sweeteners in it, I will become very hungry within the hour and it keeps on all day.
    I avoid those and just eat plain unsweetened greek yogurt , you sweeten it with honey or I use stevia and add your own fruit.