muscle pain

I go to gym. Try to go there regularly. On sunday, my trainer changed my fitness program and gave me the new toys to play. One of them made my legs so bad. My muscles hurt when i try to climb the stairs or sit down etc. I was planning to go today but i decided not to go this morning because it hurt really when i try to get up from bed.

My question is that should i need to push myself even if my muscles hurt?

Or should i wait till they stop hurting and then go to gym and make them bad again?

Because I know eventually they will get used to it. But I don't know what i should do. I can't ask this to my trainer because i didnt go there today. So, what do you think i should do?

I have understood from what you guys wrote so far that I should push.
So, I will.
Thanks :)


  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    You mean DOMS? If so, yeah -- keep pushing. It's a normal reaction when you hit your muscles with new movements. Working out actually helps cease DOMS pains, so get up and go.
  • FloyMcCaudie
    FloyMcCaudie Posts: 1,132
    No pain no gain BRAH! and When body changes, it takes time to adjust but results are worth it so ^
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    If you are sore, cardio for sure will help. stretching too. I had that happen when I got a trainer. As much as I hated it, walking helped. By the next day I was OK.
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    If you are sore, cardio for sure will help. stretching too. I had that happen when I got a trainer. As much as I hated it, walking helped. By the next day I was OK.

    I was thinking to go and use treadmill to loosen them a little. I guess walking can help. Thanks.
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    You mean DOMS? If so, yeah -- keep pushing. It's a normal reaction when you hit your muscles with new movements. Working out actually helps cease DOMS pains, so get up and go.

    Yes, i meant DOMS. I'm planning to go and just walk for today. Maybe it helps to loosen my legs a little.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    I push through the pain. If it's DOMS, the ache will go away the warmer my muscles get.

    Mind you, there's a difference between DOMS and PAIN. Yesterday I switched my barbell BP for dumbells, cause my shoulder told me to.
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    I can barely move after the gym and its worse the next day but I'm right back at it, I always just assumed it was normal after the gym. Worth it. Plus working out when I still hurt from the last work out makes me feel really excellent, it helps with the pain (kinda) but it definitely makes me feel better mentally.
    ETA: I know what you mean though, especially when you are fairly new to it and you don't feel like you can even get up the stairs after lol.
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    I push through the pain. If it's DOMS, the ache will go away the warmer my muscles get.

    Mind you, there's a difference between DOMS and PAIN. Yesterday I switched my barbell BP for dumbells, cause my shoulder told me to.

    It is DOMS. I'm sure because everything starts one day after i worked out ;) So, i think i should push
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    I know what you mean though, especially when you are fairly new to it and you don't feel like you can even get up the stairs after lol.

    I know right. It is strange how you feel mentally good after move your body! I guess i should push myself ;)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Take some ibuprofen and push through.

    I also use a trainer, and his goal in life is to have me sore the next day. Generally I am sore the first few times we do an exercise, then after that I am OK.

    After we worked on the heavy bag, I was sore for THREE days. Last week he was on vacation and he left me a routine to do...well actually, it was 2 routines, but it looked like 1 really challenging routine. I did as much as I could do on Tuesday, and was still limping Thursday when I repeated it. I'm not sure, but I think I was still sore Friday!
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    DON'T push, muscle pain means: The cells are slightly damaged. No big issue though! Just let it heal, train something that doesn't hurt maybe or jsut take a break. Muscle cells are very large cells and tiny cracks in thir skin ache when they are overused, these will bet worse if you make it worse by using them too much once they already hurt. Weeell from my own expirience it doesn't matter much weather it hurts or not, I've overdone it in worse ways than just that... but better take the safe way :)
  • elephant_in_the_room
    elephant_in_the_room Posts: 145 Member
    DON'T push, muscle pain means: The cells are slightly damaged. No big issue though! Just let it heal, train something that doesn't hurt maybe or jsut take a break. Muscle cells are very large cells and tiny cracks in thir skin ache when they are overused, these will bet worse if you make it worse by using them too much once they already hurt. Weeell from my own expirience it doesn't matter much weather it hurts or not, I've overdone it in worse ways than just that... but better take the safe way :)

    I generally agree. I 'pushed through' pain for a year with running and ended up with degenerative hamstring tendonitis: tears in the hamstring tendons that made me unable to run for ... You won't believe it, a year. Well I can now again, but if I do it longer than10-20 minutes, there is one hamstring muscle that cramps up again and then needs healing again for several days with foamrolling and a warm water bottle.

    Ordinary muscle soreness is normal when using a new muscle group, and while the muscles then are also damaged, carefully working them out further in that case often helps and lessens the pain. That is essentially the difference between soreness and an injury.

    If pain comes up a day later only, that's not necessarily an indication for ordinary soreness, my hamstring injuries do that, too. Right after exercise, I am fine, but wake up with a muscle that feels like overstretched and cramped at the same time. Or it even only develops the next morning when I have to sit for long periods on an office chair. Makes it very hard to pinpoint which exercise exactly it was that caused the injury this time.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    DOMS after resistance training (lifting) and muscle pain after endurance training (running) are two different species. There's nothing to say another resistance workout (after proper recovery, protein consumption) is inadvisable if it's DOMS. Of COURSE there's muscle damage - in resistance training that's the POINT. Break down, build up again.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    You can push lactic acid out of your muscles with light cardio.