starting over...AGAIN

mg720 Posts: 212 Member
Just feeling like I need some support. I keep starting and starting and starting. I at one point in my life (apprx 6 yrs ago) lost 100 lbs. I know what it takes and yet I cant find it. I am a busy working mom of two young children. I am always tired...i am always "blah"...and i am always looking in the mirror and hating what i see.
please someone tell me they can relate here? Recently I started going to the gym during my lunch hour. Usually i get there 3-4 days a week, im proud of this BUT it is really not helping much because my eating starts off wonderful and then usually around mid week i fall off again.
I know what I have to do but I cant seem to just do it.
anyone had any tips on how to stay on track? any motivation at all for this over tired mama?

Thank you!!!!


  • wwhitney1
    wwhitney1 Posts: 9 Member
    I can relate. A few years back I dropped about 50 pounds, it was hard but I did it. I was proud of myself but then life happened and within two years I gained all the weight back and then some. I kept looking at myself in the mirror and hating what I saw as well. I just couldn't find it in myself to keep going after getting started. Until the16th of last month anyway. I'm going to give advice you have heard before but if you really take it in and follow it, its helped me. Just do one day at a time. Wake up every morning and plan to do good. Eat your allowance, get some exercise and even if the day isn't "perfect" or "100% healthy" be proud that you stayed in your limits. Find foods and snacks you really enjoy eating and eat them. Don't be too hard on yourself and go at your own pace. You'll catch on. I did. (Also a mother of 2, one is 5 the other is 10) I've already lost 14 pounds. (I have a lot to lose lol) Good luck doll, you've got this.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    thank you! that made me feel really good. i want to print your words for my inspiration board "one day at a time"
  • mandyme211
    mandyme211 Posts: 25 Member
    It’s hard but so worth it to start a healthy lifestyle! Just make small changes, eventually they will add up and you’ll want to make even bigger changes. This past week for some reason I completely lost control with my eating, continued to work out but my food choices were horrible. So I understand sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation. This week I’m getting back on track and I know you can too! :)
  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    I’m the same way mamma! Seriously I start out the week really good then one thing trips me up and it’s downhill. But yet I still hate what I see. It’s a vicious cycle for real. But you got this. Slow and steady wins the race as they say and while it may not happen as quick as you might like, it will. Just stay focused. ☺️
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    Just take it a day at a time. Everything in proportion
  • jacqzam
    jacqzam Posts: 1 Member
    I can totally relate. I'm still learning how work/stress affect my workouts and eating so that I can make better choices. I admire your commitment to working out during lunch! One thing that really motivates me is Pinterest quotes and pictures. Or Googling lists of "Reasons to Workout". Also, I set goals for habits I'm cultivating (water intake, steps, number of times in the gym per week, keeping a food diary). Small changes can make a big difference!
  • pkkbtsm
    pkkbtsm Posts: 7 Member
    Just stay strong! It's definitely a hard process but it will be so worth it in the end! :smile:
  • mfpfreedomnow
    mfpfreedomnow Posts: 52 Member
    edited May 2018
    "You don't know that what you have is enough until you take everything else away." -- Brandi Carlile
    Those words inspire me to keep going no matter how many times I fall. You have life, so you have hope, and hope can move mountains. Just keep believing.
  • george5911
    george5911 Posts: 3,910 Member
    mg720 wrote: »
    Just feeling like I need some support. I keep starting and starting and starting. I at one point in my life (apprx 6 yrs ago) lost 100 lbs. I know what it takes and yet I cant find it. I am a busy working mom of two young children. I am always tired...i am always "blah"...and i am always looking in the mirror and hating what i see.
    please someone tell me they can relate here? Recently I started going to the gym during my lunch hour. Usually i get there 3-4 days a week, im proud of this BUT it is really not helping much because my eating starts off wonderful and then usually around mid week i fall off again.
    I know what I have to do but I cant seem to just do it.
    anyone had any tips on how to stay on track? any motivation at all for this over tired mama?

    Thank you!!!!

    1) NEVER hate what you see in the mirror. ALWAYS love yourself no matter what shape or size.

    2)Motivation will get you on track. Discipline will keep you there. Work on this instead of looking for constant motivation. Make your goals a priority.

    3)Come here often. You'll find that you're surrounded by like minded folks that can give you that needed little nudge now and again, but remember it is all up to you!

  • jonagolddreams
    jonagolddreams Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My oldest is school aged, my youngest is under a year old, and my husband is gone for work 5 days a week. I wake up tired. :P

    I am trying to carve out more time for myself. We are important, too! It's easy to lose yourself in taking care of the kids. Having a support system is really important.

    The food issue for me is making sure I have healthy, easy meals and snacks on hand for myself. A lot of times I just eat the kids' leftovers or skip meals entirely, so I've started making a little extra time to make food for myself, too. Sounds like a no brainer, but I have found when I am putting priorities on the chopping block, I'm usually the first one to go. Taking better care of myself means I can take better care of them, too, though.