Keto diet

Has anyone used the keto diet?? Have you had a successful experience?? Does it make weight loss easier or make you feel alot better with alot more energy??


  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I wouldn't say I have more energy, less lethargic maybe. I don't have the 3-4 o'clock slump like I do with higher carbs.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I found I freaked out and binged after aggressively cutting carbs. I do better just sticking to a calorie deficit and eating what I like.

    Are you following me Tami ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I found I freaked out and binged after aggressively cutting carbs. I do better just sticking to a calorie deficit and eating what I like.

    Are you following me Tami ;)

    Yes, and checking out your butt while I do, @Lois_1989. ;)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited May 2018
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I found I freaked out and binged after aggressively cutting carbs. I do better just sticking to a calorie deficit and eating what I like.

    Are you following me Tami ;)

    Yes, and checking out your butt while I do, @Lois_1989. ;)

    Hahaha I haven’t been lifting recently, so it’s not as good as yours @quiksylver296
  • FlyingMolly
    FlyingMolly Posts: 490 Member
    Angall08 wrote: »
    Has anyone used the keto diet?? Have you had a successful experience?? Does it make weight loss easier or make you feel alot better with alot more energy??

    I've been on it for 3 months. Went on it to lose 10 lbs, which I achieved around month 2, and am still on it because I don't mind getting a bit smaller and I don't particularly have a desire to eat more than I am right now. I think the foods themselves help you feel more full and they completely erased my cravings. It's like the part of my brain that associates food with comfort has been disconnected--I don't know how else to describe it.

    I have great energy levels NOW but the "keto flu" was a real thing for me and lasted at least 2 weeks, during which I alternated between insomnia and weakness, got my period two weeks early and much more heavily and had bad headaches. Also, as a runner, I didn't return to my normal stamina and speed for a few months, though I continued to run, just more slowly and for less than 8 miles. (Only probably matters to people if they are also endurance runners.)

    I think it was worth it and a great experience, and now that I've got 3 months under my belt, I'd say those rough 3 weeks were worth it. Those issues did not return.

    Same! I just told someone the other day that I feel like it changed my brain. My husband went on it with me at the same time and hasn’t gotten nearly as much out of it...but he’s always had a healthy relationship with food to begin with. He doesn’t “need” keto, so it’s not as appealing to him.

    So I think it really depends on how a given person eats, and what they want. Personally I don’t see the point of doing keto temporarily; any reduced-calorie diet will give you the same results, and there are simpler ones out there. If keto is right for you, you’re probably going to need to stick with it to keep benefiting—I know I will.
  • Jrodasff
    Jrodasff Posts: 334 Member
    I absolutely love it. I too find myself not nearly as hungry as I normally am. I have my Bulletproof coffee in the morning and it starts my day off right. That coffee alone carries me through my morning from 0530 until lunch at 1145. It seems a lot easier to be on a deficit when your on keto vs not. Give it a try and friend people on keto to see their food diaries and get ideas.
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    What are your favorite food, if you feel really deprived without bread, pasta, fruit ect, then do not do keto, making yourself miserable is not gonna help you lose weight. If you don't feel too strongly about carb rich food, then why not give it a try, it is easier to cut calorie when you cut-out a food group and protein & fat help to lower your appetite. It didn't not give me more energy but keep a constant energy level which make me feel good throughout the day.
    I don't follow straight keto, just a relative low carb diet, so I ate as much vegetable as I like. I don't eat any starchy food, very little fruit, don't worry too much if the sauce has some sugar if I eat out, occasionally enjoy fried food with bit breading. This is relatively easy to follow, not very restrictive, so for me I felt like this can be a long-term solution.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    0426Jamie wrote: »
    I have lost over 50 lbs since January doing Keto. It has been hard, but I find it to be so much easier than calorie counting. 3 years ago when I tried losing weight and just did calorie counting, I was down only 30 lbs by August of that year, also starting in January. The first 2-3 weeks are TOUGH, the cravings are downright awful. But if you can get through it, I think it's worth it.

    Choose the WOE that you can keep up with, that's what is most important :).

    even if you didnt count calories your body did. you still have to be in a deficit to lose even with keto.sad but true
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    Well, I am leaning toward going keto. I have tried the other way and I just end up battling food cravings and yoyoing. It wasn't satisfying because I wasn't getting enough protein. My good friend was doing a modified vegetarian diet with low protein and low fat. She had to go off because she started losing her hair by the handfuls. I am willing to try keto and see if it works better for me.
  • stacybaker707
    stacybaker707 Posts: 126 Member
    I've been doing keto for about a month and a half with a regular low cal diet for a week or two before that. I am down almost 27 pounds and feel great. I eat a lot of greens, meat, cheese, nuts and berries. I have a stash of sugar free goodies if I have the urge, and I use zucchini noodles or squash noodles with my spaghetti. I usually stick to 30 carbs or less, today I was about 15.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Well, I am leaning toward going keto. I have tried the other way and I just end up battling food cravings and yoyoing. It wasn't satisfying because I wasn't getting enough protein. My good friend was doing a modified vegetarian diet with low protein and low fat. She had to go off because she started losing her hair by the handfuls. I am willing to try keto and see if it works better for me.

    Yikes! Yeah you definitely need protein and contrary to what you have been told, your body needs healthy fats as well! But protein is the very absolute last thing you should cut out! You need to slap whoever told her to do that.
  • LisaMelton1
    LisaMelton1 Posts: 24 Member
    Angall08 wrote: »
    Has anyone used the keto diet?? Have you had a successful experience?? Does it make weight loss easier or make you feel alot better with alot more energy??
    Angall08 wrote: »
    Has anyone used the keto diet?? Have you had a successful experience?? Does it make weight loss easier or make you feel alot better with alot more energy??