Lowering carbs



  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I see no reason to drastically reduce carbs unless they are a trigger food for you or not filling enough. I find a mix of protein, carbs, and fat to be filling. I have done lower carb diets before and the initial weight is water. I dont care about losing water weight. I want to lose fat. Plus, I love fruit too much to limit it very much.
  • gregstone42284
    gregstone42284 Posts: 2 Member
    after the first week or 2 of doing low carb diet 20-50 grams you will loose water weight after the first week then your body will start burning fat for fuel after the low carb adaption phase and me I stay under 50 grams of carbs like I eat 30-41 grams of carbs per day and if you want the full metabolic benefits of low carb diet it's best to only eat 1 serving of fruit per day if the fruit is like apples or if it's like berries I guess you could still eat 2 servings and stay under 50 grams of carbs per day
  • gregstone42284
    gregstone42284 Posts: 2 Member
    and 20-50 grams of carbs is best for if you have the metabolic syndrome and dieabeties obesity and want to get a lean with a low body fat percentage until then