Try, try again!!!

K8tzmom Posts: 20 Member
I never used MyFitnessPal to its full capacity, but I'm back after 6 years. And still needing to lose weight. Only 20 lbs this time. I'd love to have some "friends" in the West Seattle (Washington) area. Anyone out there? I'm a 73 YO woman, semi-retired (still have energy and productive years left in me), and live with my daughter, S-I-L and grandson near Lincoln Park. I lost 30 lbs last year on a keto diet, and have been stuck since I went off it last Sept. I'm trying to eat healthy, and not use "fad" diets to lose. Lincoln Park is great for walking, so anyone nearby, please send me a reply!!!


  • jonagolddreams
    jonagolddreams Posts: 39 Member
    I'm not in your area, but I wanted to say welcome back! I have around the same amount to lose, and have been trying to improve my diet as well. The last twenty are the toughest for me. Best wishes. :)