Any diabetics in here that follow a meal plan to get sugar lower?

Astimegoes Posts: 37 Member
edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition
My sugar constantly going higher every day and I hear if eating more can keep sugar low and knowing what meals to eat. If any diabetics like to share their meal plan dailey it would be appreciated


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I followed this:

    Eating more does not lower blood sugar. Eating more often (on the clock with carefully controlled portions) does.

    All food is helpful in proportion.

    Metformin helped me a lot.

    My diabetes went in to remission when I lost significant weight. This comes from eating less.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Your best evidence is the blood sugar reading two hours after eating. If it is elevated review your food choices and adjust.
  • Astimegoes
    Astimegoes Posts: 37 Member
    Ok thank you and best of luck with you
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited May 2018
    Yes, I'm a type 1 diabetic and eat meat, cheese, butter, eggs... I don't eat plants because I'm avoiding carbs as much as possible. As a type 1, I still need to take basal (background) insulin regardless of whether I eat. I also take insulin for protein.

    ETA: I am a bit more extreme, but look for Richard Bernstein's books and YouTube channel. Minimizing carbs is the best way to minimize glucose spikes from food.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Test your blood glucose often! After every meal until you get a handle on things. Doctor's advice is usually to test two hours after meals, but mine usually peaks 45 minutes after eating and has come back down to normal by two hours, so I usually test at 1 hour. But test a lot until you learn what works for you.

    Different diabetics have different responses to the same foods. For example I can eat a large portion of potatoes, but almost no rice, and someone else might be the opposite. Start by counting your net carbs (carbs minus fiber) and eating no more than 45g at a meal - if your sugar is too high afterwards, eat fewer carbs.

    Exercise after eating can quickly bring levels down for some people, while others have exercise induced stress which makes their levels even higher. Again, test and find out what works for you!

    What works best for me, just as an example, is a short workout first thing in the morning, breakfast of steel cut oats, apples, nut butter, and cottage cheese. A fruit such as an orange before my morning run. After a run, I can eat a lot of carbs for lunch without problems. On days I don't run, I have coffee with milk and dark chocolate instead of fruit, and fewer carbs for lunch. Strength training is after lunch and before dinner. Dinner is heavy on protein and green vegetables. If I test during the day and discover my glucose is over 130, I do 15 minutes of stationary bike if I'm at home and 2 sets of 40 bodyweight squats if I'm not at home. This brings my glucose down to normal levels unless I am very stressed or sick. I eat about 150g carbs per day and my A1c is 4.7.
  • Tennisplayer66
    Tennisplayer66 Posts: 2 Member
    I bought book Keto Cure and it has a section for Diabeties and this dr talks about what sweeteners are good and the ones to stay away from. I was just diagnosed with Type 2 my A1c is 6.6
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