Fighting Side Effects of Meds

lionessroar1 Posts: 7 Member
Greetings! I am on medications that cause significant weight gain. I've lost 35 lbs sticking with this program. I reduced the meds for a few months and while the weight fell off, I realized I needed the meds at that dose, so here I am. It's a real struggle but I was successful the first time around, then plateaued, now am back on a balanced low-cal diet. If you struggle with med side effects, I would love to hear you share.


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,052 Member
    edited May 2018

    I have the effects of meds (steroids/immunosuppressants) too.

    Things I do (and it took me 1-2 years to gradually adapt to these mini-habits):
    1. Track everything I eat & my exercise, & make sure I burn more than I eat daily. I weigh all of my food. I pay attention to my macros & micronutrients & eat PRO/FAT/CARB at each meal or snack.
    2. I weigh myself daily and also use a trend app.
    3. I never eat out for three reasons: I’m immunocompromised so fearful of germs, can’t log accurately, and *most* of all I’m addicted to eating out & never want to gain back my 57 lbs.
    4. I eat a 700 calorie breakfast. My biggest meal.
    5. I eat no sugar, honey, maple sugar, etc EXCEPT 1/2 oz 82% dark chocolate at breakfast and/or lunch. I don’t eat white flour, rice because FOR ME they cause cravings & hunger signaling. (I know this is not true for others)
    6. I eat a lot of fiber rich foods - Vegetables, berries. Potatoes (small amount with 3oz protein & veg & olive oil) seems fine for me.
    7. I exercise daily & move throughout the day.
    8. I eat a lot of nuts to curb hunger (always weighed & mindfully eaten)
    9. I drink 2-3 liters of water a day
    10. I keep salt well under 1500 mg a day.

    1. Off stain, off bp meds...
    2. Low blood pressure
    3. Optimal cholesterol except HDL which did increase!! But needs to increase more...
    4. HA1C of 3.5!!!
    5. Fasting glucose in mid-70’s
    6. Lower resting heart rate
    7. Much more muscle/fitness/energy

    I’m reading a lot lately about fats in the diet. Perhaps we were steered incorrectly in the past. I may experiment with full fat milk & yogurt (usually I eat nonfat) & see what happens. I’m also returning to eggs as it’s clear we were steered incorrectly there.

    I mention this because most people on my meds gain 30 lbs in first 3 months & I lost 26 over 6 mos. It does require I not eat out - again this is just FOR ME.

    I know others can eat carbs & processed foods, but for me and my biological family members, eating protein, fats, vegetables and a couple of fats seems to be what our bodies need. I have come to HATE cravings, so if I develop them I review what I’ve eaten & fix the offending food.
  • GlynisClaire
    GlynisClaire Posts: 5 Member
    I’m 6 weeks post kidney transplant and trying to 1) not gain any more weight 2