New Job - Calories Burned?

I just started a new job that requires me to work out in the field for hours at a time. I'm essentially doing a bunch of gardening and farming - carrying heavy objects for a bit of time, on my knees, standing and bending over to place flags, planting produce, etc. It's super hot out but we spend anywhere from 3-7 hours outside working on this.

Not including the food I might eat for the day, how many calories would I burn? I'm 18, 5'3, and weigh around 165 lb. A lot of sources say around 275 cal per hour but that sounds oddly high?

Thank you for all who answer!!!


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Set your activity level to active. Keep track of your log for 4-6 weeks. Adjust depending on your actual loss in that time. Since work is part of your activity level, it isn't necessary to figure out how much you're burning doing it.