Logging food intake question.....

Dupree55 Posts: 4 Member
Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP and dieting in general. I see many discussions on "accurately logging" food intake. It seems the best approach to this is weighing your food. I just want to ensure that I'm correct in that I should be logging "precooked" weight? I know it's probably a silly question but just want to clarity. I want to be as accurate as possible not to cheat myself either way. Thanks in advance.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    If you weighed it raw, log it raw. If you weighed it cooked, logged it cooked.

    If you aren't weighing, get a food scale and start.
  • Jeeplet18
    Jeeplet18 Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome to MFP - I preferably weigh out my foods raw as I prepare my meals for myself.

    However, you can certainly log the weight once cooked if it is easier. (like instead of choosing "Chicken - Raw" find "Chicken - Roasted" or whatever). I know when I cook for the family it is easier to cook dinner for everyone then weigh what I put on my plate. I think that as long as you are WEIGHING it out, it really doesn't make a difference because it is the most accurate measurement anyways. :smile:
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    As others said, you can do it either way, thing is, I feel like raw is a lot more accurate while cooked can vary a lot depending on how dehydrated something is or isn't.

    I'm trying to weigh before I cook, then divide out the post cooked weight, but enter everything under its raw weights.