Newbie... Diabetic with UC (IBD)

Hi, it's been that long since I was properly on here that all my MFP friends are inactive! Looking for some new friends to motivate me. Got 14lb to lose after a 12 week course of steroids for Ulcerative Colitis. Also Im an insulin dependant diabetic but hoping to change treatment following weightloss and succesful UC treatment


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Hey there. I am trying to gain not lose I'm a steroid dependent (entocort) Crohnie who also has severe gastroparesis which makes it almost impossible to eat. IBD sucks
  • MuffintopGem
    MuffintopGem Posts: 16 Member
    IBD certainly does suck! Would not wish it on my worst enemy. I lost quite a bit of weight before been admitted to hospital then just ballooned with the steroids and 3 months off work. Still not 100% but getting there so time to sort my self out!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Prednisone is horrible but a necessary evil. I'm 1 year post total proctocolectomy with end ileostomy (colon and rectum removed) so I don't live in the bathroom anymore :) It has come back in my stomach but hopefully it'll be gone soon again.
  • MuffintopGem
    MuffintopGem Posts: 16 Member
    Ooooo that's interesting to know as my Consultant is pushing for full colon and rectum removal. How have you found it if you don't mind me asking? Would you say the surgery was a game changer in the world of IBD?