Back at it with a new focus...

OGJake12 Posts: 185 Member

My name is Jake, and I'm a unique breed of individual. I'm a hippie-type basketball player and fan that loves hip hop and its culture. I also love being outdoors as often as possible.... and that always comes with enjoying outdoor sports (hiking, canoeing, etc).

While I'm not new to MFP, I am new to this portion of my journey. In 2015, I lost about 55 pounds to get me back into a normal BMI range (this finish line was in May). I have since gained back about 15 pounds while maintaining. I'm in no way upset about my gain since its been 3 years and 15 pounds feels relatively normal for a transition from clean eating to a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, in March of 2016 I got a minor bout of Plantar Fasciitis in which I played through. As you may have predicted, it became not-so-minor. It became serious and too painful to play through (and sometimes too painful to walk). A few months later, I was trying to lose a few more pounds to take some weight off my foot. In the process, I landed incorrectly on a clap pushup and got myself a nice shoulder impingement (which also resulted in long-term discomfort). Over the last 8 months, I've decided to change some things up in my lifestyle. I have re-picked up yoga, and I have been playing light amounts of basketball. Additionally I've been following an anti-inflammatory diet. I've really gotten my PF under control and have seen improvement in my shoulder impingement using a variety of methods. Only problem now is, my ankle feels extremely tight, especially in the Achilles tendon.

Why I'm posting is because after returning to MFP, a ton of my friends that were so helpful to my journey before are now no longer logging in, and some had deleted me since I wasn't really focused on a weight-loss journey any longer. I'm looking for supportive individuals to join my list of FitPals so that this can feel a lot more like the helpful community that I had before. Big plus if you have ever gone through any of the injuries above and have tips on self-care or remedies.

To be clear, I'm not at a phase where will be logging everything I eat and finishing my food diary daily. Totally OK if you are at the phase... I've been there! I could end up being a big help for those looking for weight loss tips. My current intent is to log my workouts and my rehab exercises, as well as my physical progress. Most importantly though, I'm looking for those who are seeking a/seeking to be a mutual witness to eachothers' progress.

Add me as a friend if you think we could benefit eachother!
