So far so good but can see how easy it is......

to eat those extra calories that MFP gives you.

For months I've been fritting between the same weight, I hit the gym 4-5x a week, I weigh,log etc...Now OK I'm not perfect at the weekends but I'm also not overly bad.

Normally I eat all my extra calories that MFP gives me, mainly because they are there and I would think "oooh look at all them, lets have that extra slice of bread" etc etc.

However, Monday I started a fresh and decided to eat/save only the calories I get back from Fitbit for actual workouts (i.e gym glasses, running etc) as opposed to all the extra calories MFP gives me through my steps....

In four days (Mon to Thur) I clocked up 1029 calories from actual workouts whereas MFP clocked up 2883 calories and its really made me see how easy it is to either gain weight or maintain when I eat ALL those calories I think I've earned.

I've read loads of times that people only eat 50%-75% of they're workout calories and now I can see why....i just used to eat all mine haha!

Hopefully come Monday I will have a loss.


  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Great job!!! And, yes most people only eat back 50-75% of their exercise calories, mainly because MFP is notorious for overestimating calories burned. Example: I have a really fancy treadmill (bought for very cheap from my school gym that was doing a major fitness center upgrade) that I can upload all of my stats (height, weight, gender, age, bodyfat%, measurements) and sync with my HR monitor. Today I did a 400 calorie workout per my treadmill, when I logged it into MFP - it said 597 (I change that value manually). So yeah, the calories burned per MFP were way over what I really did.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've always eaten 100% of mine and lost as ecpected. Depends how realistic you are about your calorie burn in the first place.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    I've always eaten 100% of mine and lost as ecpected. Depends how realistic you are about your calorie burn in the first place.

    Yeah, when I have problems losing it's because I'm eating more than my earned calories (I.e. significantly in the red). When I stick to eating my calorie adjustment +/- 100 I lose as predicted.