Feeling out of control



  • neversaynever_43
    neversaynever_43 Posts: 59 Member
    I went through this last month. Just couldn't stop eating. Usually that's when I give up and stop weighing and tracking and give in. Last month I still recorded everything day after day even though I was exceeding my allotted calories. And eventually it chilled and I was back on track. It's not getting hungry that gets me. It's my psychological response to it.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Why have people clicked "woo" for the comments from @VUA21 and @TeaBea? Both of these posts were full of great advice!!
    Sorry OP, nothing to do with you or your challenges...just annoyed me.

    @StopTheGroundhog Some people see the "woo" as a "WooHoo" (a good thing).
  • StopTheGroundhog
    StopTheGroundhog Posts: 53 Member
    Ah OK. I thought the crazy face icon was the give away :) - but thanks for explaining.
    REDMANIV Posts: 348 Member
    For those on this thread that feel like they need to try something different and have tried all the "diets". I have something that may work for you that does not involve any diets, it will require what I consider a lifestyle change however this is very doable and best of all.........doesn't cost any money. Just costs you a little want to.....

    Hit my inbox if you are interested and I will pass you along the details.

    Cheers and hang in there!
  • shelltegan
    shelltegan Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat. And struggling so bad. Following this post
  • mybigfat
    mybigfat Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks for such wonderful advice I went on a really bad spree eating easily 4k calories a day if not more I been seeing a councilor for it and she said a lot of the same things you all did. The diet mentality is dangerous. I have come to terms with having an eating disorder in 1 year I gained nearly 40 lbs. Depression and any substance abuse seems to go hand in hand. Instead of focusing on eating perfectly I am increasing the healthy food i already enjoy like watermelon and working on understanding what a true portion is