A little about me, but what about you?

My name is Brittney and I am from Illinois. I have been a member on here since 2015 but have been using this app off and on. I have four children and a live in boyfriend that is supportive of my decision to lose weight but is not eating the things that I choose to eat. Therefore, by it being this way, life has been a little harder for me because I have to make separate meals from my family :neutral: I was very weak and temptation had the best of me :neutral: NOT ANYMORE!!! I have a new mind frame and I am taking charge of my life! I got smart about this situation! :wink: Now when I make meals I only make enough of the mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, and so on for them which leaves me to have the protein and veggies!! Now, I am not tired of making two separate meals and everyone is benefiting from this! We are all happy and I am not tired! Also, temptation can't get the best of me anymore because there is never enough left for me to even put on my plate just for that " taste"! NO, I don't want it! LOL!! Well, I did mess up with some White Castles yesterday but I do have an excuse... we were out and haven't had anything to eat, but that does not excuse me having 7 burgers..ooooooooo..... OMG! Yes! I did that! I am not going to let that stop me..It's alright to have some but do not go overboard and definitely do not eat it just because it's there! I just had to get that off of my chest. We are all human and we are not perfect! Believe in yourself and motivate yourself is a must! Let's support each other! Let me here your stories, add me as a friend, and let's begin this journey to a new healthier life!!! :blush: