Back on MFP

Hi, it's Monday and at the start of my next workout Split so I figured I'd drop by to the forums and say why I use this app in the first place. My name is Danny and I've had success with this app in the past during various bulks and cuts by tracking caloric and macronutrient intake in conjunction with training. This summer I will be using it again to make sure I'm reaching my caloric goals so that I continue to put on quality mass. I'm currently 5ft'11 168 lbs going for 175-180lbs. I recently slipped up during a rest week following a bulking period where I lost about 5 pounds from 172lbs by not adjusting for a new maintenance level. This could have been avoided if I was logging. Most of it was water weight but it goes to show that even small slip ups can be counter productive to your goals within a short amount of time. I'm still stronger at a higher amount of lean body mass than previously and look forward to improving once again this summer before I return to school. Currently I am trying to bring up my arms and upper back. I am not asking for support but feel free to add me if you'd like to chat about various topics.
