Help lol :) 5/7 330

Ok so im 330 pounds and i need support and nothing better then to have support for someone that is going through it to . So i don't care what u weigh or how much you need to lose i need support so please add me . I want to share my ups and downs with u and give my support to u also .. i just entered a fright that in going to win. And ha ha i just realized that i don't have any full body pictures of myself so ill be taking my first one today . Im very ashamed of why I've done to my body 167 was my lowest weight that i can remember but I'm really focusing on my health right now.So please add me thanks guys for reading..


  • Beastmode454
    Beastmode454 Posts: 340 Member
    HI! well i just requested you and you just accepted :) well i think its going to be very possible for you to get down in weight.. I am not a expert on nutrition and supplements but i worked at a nutrition store for about two years and i learned alot! so i would say.. before you do any exercise start loosing weight first. shin splits can accure if you increase physical activity to fast... Drink alot of water! where your at in tx can get pretty hot and well where i am at as well, i think today its 100 degrees as a high... Drink at least a gallon a day to help you flush out your system.. in addition to alot of fiber. we bloat alot when there is no water in our system.. our body holds on to it if we are not getting enough. Follow what MFP recommend for now as far as macro's go and later in the journey you can change your macro's according to how your body is responding.