Weight loss expectency

Hi Everyone.

Completely new to this so looking for some advice. Feel free to add by the way!

I started the gym 1 month ago weighing in at 78kg, the first week or so took a bit of getting into, since then I'm doing 6 days a week and loving it! I want to get my weight down to 70kg to lose my belly, then start building muscle.

MFP reccommends I limit myself to 2250 cals per day, with the exercise that I'm doing I'll lose 0.5kg per week.

Does this sound right? I'm normally anywhere between 100-200 cals under this reccommendation, and I burn on average 350-400 cals per day.

Can I lose this weight quicker or is that not a good idea?

Any hints/tips/recipe ideas greatly appreciated!

Thanks For Reading
