New Here

beepa77 Posts: 1 Member

I just wanted to introduce myself and what brought me here. I lost a bunch of weight and got in good shape about 12 years ago. I managed to keep it off for about 8 years, then I backslid badly and found myself about 50 pounds overweight. I have excuses, but the bottom line is I slacked off on exercise and tracking food. I had a couple of false starts trying to get back on track.

I think I am back on track now. I bought a Peloton which was very expensive for me in March, but it has really helped me a lot. That plus I started diligently tracking food using LoseIt. I chose LoseIt because that is the app I used when I was in shape years ago. I have lost 22 pounds since March, at a fairly steady pace.

I have the premium version of LoseIt and they offered me a deal to buy a permanent subscription which is tempting -- but I wasn't sure if it is really the best app out there. So I read some surveys online and there were many recommendations for this app. So I thought I would try both for a while.

So far this app seems pretty good. My hope is to of course lose the weight and get back in shape but also to find an app that I can use to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I would greatly appreciate any input on how to get the most out of this app. I also would be like to know if they ever offer deals on purchasing the premium version.

Thanks for listening. Happy to be here!


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I would suggest using it for a while and seeing if you plan to stick with it. Premium has some extra features, but honestly the free version has everything you need to be successful.