Order Insanity and will be starting when it arrives!

Hi everyone,

I just ordered insanity online and am so excited to try it out. I know that it is a super intense workout, but I feel like I need something to challenge me because I have been getting bored with the gym lately. I used Leslie Sansone DVDs in the past. I know Insanity is NOTHING like that though. I've lost 63 lbs and I feel like I want to try this out and see what kind of results I will get.

I also run 1-2 times a week right now, do some light lifting and intense cardio currently. When I start this, should I just do the DVD and nothing else or switch it up?

I have a HRM so I will have somewhat of an idea what I will burn when doing them. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time LOL.

Any advice/feedback/tips to give in regards to completing it would be helpful. I will be getting all 13 DVDs and manuals with the workout calendar.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!:bigsmile:



  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm on Round 2 of Insanity. My recommendation would be to just do the DVDs at first to gauge where you are. I don't think there is any way I could have added much extra, other than a long walk or some yoga on the recovery/rest days. But it all depends on where your fitness level is... and time. The first round, the DVDs run about 45 min... by month 2, its an hour (More on ab day) so it also depends on how your schedule is.


    - Keep your form; rest if you have to
    - Find your heart rate for your age and use an HRM to monitor
    - Don't try to keep up with Shaun T or the bots - although note that they are dying and out of sync too!
    - This may be controversial, but keep with the general outlines of the diet if you can. Not the recipes and you don't have to drink shakeology, but I had the best results when I kept to 40/40/20 macros, mostly clean (term used loosely, as in not pre-packaged) eating, and 5 smallish meals a day. My calories according to the book were supposed to be 1800, but I dropped it to 1500 and that worked for me (i'm short), although when I got to month 2 I didn't feel bad if I went over a little.
    - Take measurements and pictures. Stay off the damn scale , especially that first week. You might go up because you are building muscle, retaining water, that time of the month, etc. You might not see huge numbers on the scale, but the tape measure is your friend. (15 lbs, 5 inches off my waist).
    - Also, you often see some movement at the end of month 1, and then big movement at the end of month 2. It's easy to get discouraged by the delays when you are working so hard. Don't be discouraged. Keep at it. STAY OFF THE DAMN SCALE!.

    Good luck and keep pushing play!

  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I think Elle is right. We do some of the intensity moves in our bootcamp class at my gym and that's only once a week. You do this every day for 45 min. you are going to change your body for the better. I've only lost 17 lbs, but just going to that bootcamp class once a week has changed my body. I put on a shirt that I haven't worn in a while and it used to be tight, it's loose now even around my arms. I feel stronger too. When you start if you can't do it for 45 min. take a break - you will get there. Good luck, I'm rooting for ya!
  • nenyablue
    I only ever seem to manage a month of Insanity at a time. But it's a fun month! I would just focus on it for your exercise; it's so intense if you add other things, you may end up over training. Hope you enjoy it!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I :heart: Shaun T! But be sure to go at your own pace in the beginning, don't try to keep up with every single rep they do. Modify exercises or repeat 'easier' ones when it gets too difficult. Oh and my biggest tip is to wear good quality sneakers and do your best to be gentle on your knees and feet - it's a very tough workout on lower joints due to all the jumping!

    Good luck!
  • niknokd
    niknokd Posts: 127 Member
    The program is designed to be your sole exercise regime for the two months. However, if you enjoy your strength training you might want to continue that in addition to insanity. I say this because month 1 is focused much more on cardio/burning calories to lose weight than on toning/strength. Month 2 has a lot more moves that will help you build muscle. It's all up to you though really and what you feel is most beneficial to you. You will certainly see progress using it as your sole form of exercise, but as long as you take your rest days and don't overwork yourself you will also be fine continuing other exercises at the same time! Good luck, insanity is so much fun even though it hurts!!
  • MissEStrange22
    It's f*cking hard!...but amazing.

    Shaun T looks at you all sexy and close every now and again, that helps.

    Kepp with it and...Good luck! x
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you for all of the feedback!! It is greatly appreciated! I cant wait to get it and hopefully boost my weightloss even more. Gaining some muscle, especially in my arms would be bad either. :)

    thanks again!:drinker:
