Looking for friends to keep me motivated

xxhunterkadexx Posts: 3 Member
edited May 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! My name is Hunter, I am a 28 year old male and I am an artist. This is not my first attempt at losing weight but hopefully my last. To tell you my story, we have to go way back. I have always been overweight and have always had an unhealthy relationship with food. It took me until this year to open up and be honest with my self as well as with family that I suffer from binge eating disorder. About 5 years ago I had lost 80 pounds going from my heaviest which was 280 down to 200 pounds. I managed to keep the weight off for about 3 years but over time I have put the weight back on. In August of 2017 I weighed in at 240 lbs, this made me just want to binge eat and that's exactly what I did. I was so angry for putting half of my weight back on, but still I wasn't ready to do anything about it. In that same month I had to quit my job due to transportation issues and with that I lost ALL control. From August to January I had managed to put on 40 lbs, that brought me back to the very beginning of my journey, which is a terrible feeling. This has been a terrible year for me dealing with mental health issues and things going on in my personal life. But with that being said here it is May and I am in the right mindset to get back on track. I know this has been a lot of reading (trust me this is the short summed up version) but I really do need support from others so thanks for reading !


  • iLainey
    iLainey Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Hunter,
    I'm sorry to hear that you had some set backs in your weight loss journey but very glad you're back in a mindset to move forward. We all have set backs in life but what's important is that we get back and keep moving forward even if it seems the world is against us sometimes. Send lots of love and support! Feel free to add me ☺
  • xxhunterkadexx
    xxhunterkadexx Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you ilainey! I will definitely add you thanks for taking the time to read :)