Big Personality, Small Body: Petite Living

amandabot58 Posts: 5 Member
edited May 2018 in Chit-Chat
Hey there! I'm not exactly new to weight loss/management, but I've come upon some new information on it this year that could be especially useful for me. I'm 25, 5'0" (although my doctor's records say 5'2" even though she's never actually measured), and I weigh 142 pounds. This is the heaviest I've been my entire life without being pregnant. After my second kid was born, I just can't seem to get on track, so along with food maintenance and exercise, I've been on Adipex for almost a full 30 days. I'm down 5 pounds, but it doesn't show anywhere, so I've been working with zero encouragement and all worry. I'm getting married in two months, so it's been especially difficult on me emotionally because no one wants to look bad in their wedding dress/photos. Time is running out every day and no matter how sweaty I get each day or how few calories I eat, or which food method I try, all I have to show for my efforts is 5 pounds.
I'm looking for some people in similar boats who've either found a ray of sunshine to share or just feel like venting with me.


  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hey there! I'm not exactly new to weight loss/management, but I've come upon some new information on it this year that could be especially useful for me. I'm 25, 5'0" (although my doctor's records say 5'2" even though she's never actually measured), and I weigh 142 pounds. This is the heaviest I've been my entire life without being pregnant. After my second kid was born, I just can't seem to get on track, so along with food maintenance and exercise, I've been on Adipex for almost a full 30 days. I'm down 5 pounds, but it doesn't show anywhere, so I've been working with zero encouragement and all worry. I'm getting married in two months, so it's been especially difficult on me emotionally because no one wants to look bad in their wedding dress/photos. Time is running out every day and no matter how sweaty I get each day or how few calories I ear, or which food method I try, all I have to show for my efforts is 5 pounds.
    I'm looking for some people in similar boats who've either found a ray of sunshine to share or just feel like venting with me.

    The ray of sunshine that has worked and still works for me into maintaining weight is just my food scale, logging accurately and being consistent with my activity/exercise. No diet pills needed.

    I am 4.5 years into maintaining, has to learn to trust the process and have patience as we won't lose weight over night and maintaining it is a forever process so there is no finish line.

    All the best to you and congrats on your wedding. :smile:
  • amandabot58
    amandabot58 Posts: 5 Member
    @RoxieDawn thanks for that. As hard as I try to stay on top of things, I'll admit to my faults. I'm talked into a lot of "cheat days" into "carbing up", which are things I don't even believe in! It's usually because I hate hearing people tell me I'll have to eat these things eventually, might as well have some now; or that I've done well and deserve a reward. I try not to blame the people who aren't exactly encouraging, but they don't help, especially when I'm already in the mindset where I'd rather give up because my efforts go unnoticed by the mirror, the scale, my self-esteem, and my energy levels.
    I think my personal demon is stress. The more stressed I feel for a prolonged amount of time, the quicker the weight comes back once it's finally gone!
    It's a real struggle.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    @RoxieDawn thanks for that. As hard as I try to stay on top of things, I'll admit to my faults. I'm talked into a lot of "cheat days" into "carbing up", which are things I don't even believe in! It's usually because I hate hearing people tell me I'll have to eat these things eventually, might as well have some now; or that I've done well and deserve a reward. I try not to blame the people who aren't exactly encouraging, but they don't help, especially when I'm already in the mindset where I'd rather give up because my efforts go unnoticed by the mirror, the scale, my self-esteem, and my energy levels.
    I think my personal demon is stress. The more stressed I feel for a prolonged amount of time, the quicker the weight comes back once it's finally gone!
    It's a real struggle.

    We all have our own ways in which we deal with our 'diet', our goals and the friends and family that are along for the ride. I had to learn something valuable early on 1) Not everyone is going to be losing weight when I am 2) Friends and family tend to not understand the process we/I are following so they might mock what they don't understand.

    I kept my losing weight and logging food here in MFP from everyone, even my own kids as to not have to deal with outside pressure, comments, etc. My husband never weighed a calorie losing 70 pounds and me? I still log all of my calories and he supports me everyday. Stick with those that support your efforts and don't let the others steal your thunder or try to derail you and your long terms goals. Sounds like you are on the right track. :smile:
  • rachellebroomer
    rachellebroomer Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Adipex for six weeks and lost 17.7lbd
    I went from 176.4 to 158.7
    I am 5’4 and have a small bone structure.
    Mind you I was 285 at one point and lost most of it on WW, and learning how to do portion control and healthy eating. I needed to learn that a slice of pizza, not a whole pizza was a serving.
    There was a week were I gained two pounds. In looking at my food diary which I am strict about I realized I had eaten under 1000 calories most of those days.
    When they say you need to eat, YOU NEED TO EAT.
    If I can find time, as a night shift ER nurse to eat then anyone can.
    I also even had a cookie one night and a quarter cup which is actually a serving of ice cream another night.
    My doc and I both agreed that two months was all I was going to do and then we will slowly wean off of the 37.5mg dose..prob will take three months so I don’t go through withdrawals.
    And then in November I will have excess skin removal, tummy tick and breast lift.
    The journey is long, the road is not straight but the destination is so worth it.
  • amandabot58
    amandabot58 Posts: 5 Member
    It's been a little over a year now and I've managed to stay at about 130-135lbs. That's not at all where I'd like to be, but even being without the adipex for some time, I I haven't gained any back. Just can't seem to lose any more.
    I'd like to say I've been taking care of myself, but I'll be honest and admit that I mostly just fantasize about being healthy and in shape.
    On the bright side, I am developing the habit of returning to MFP regularly, haha! I suppose that counts for something.
    I used to be what I call a selective vegetarian - I'd only eat poultry and it was rather rare - and I was pretty healthy and happy. Since I met my husband, I just eat whatever because he's a feeder. (Providing foods is how he and his family show affection.) I told him at the beginning of this month that I'm just so tired of eating meats and I'd like to take a break. He supports my decision, of course :)
    I think meats make me feel sluggish and unsatisfied and I suspect my body rejects them by not processing them as well.
    I've also been trying to get pregnant with our third baby, but my body doesn't seem to work anymore. That's a story for another thread, I think.
    I hope this food choice makes a difference in my energy levels and weight. And I wish the rest of you all the best in your endeavors!
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I’m also 5’0” and my heaviest weight was 145 lbs. When you are smaller and have less to lose, the weight loss will be slower and you have to be accurate. You can’t expect to lose 2 lbs per week. But, the benefit of being short is that even when you lose a little weight, people will notice. Be accurate, weigh your food, and you will get slow progress and results.
  • amandabot58
    amandabot58 Posts: 5 Member
    @nooshi713 , do you have any "go-to" exercises and/or foods you'd recommend?? My metabolism seems to go into a slow drag until I'm on track for a while, so I'd like to find stuff that kicks it into motion faster.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    @nooshi713 , do you have any "go-to" exercises and/or foods you'd recommend?? My metabolism seems to go into a slow drag until I'm on track for a while, so I'd like to find stuff that kicks it into motion faster.

    I don’t know if anything really affects our metabolism other than building muscle.....

    I am still a work in progress but I try to get lots of steps in a day and work out so I can eat more. I also do weights.

    This year I have been eating tons of veggies, especially cooked and salad greens, veggie burgers, and rice and beans. But, you have to do what works for you based on what keeps you full and what you like to eat. There are no magic foods for weight loss.