How do you handle?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited May 2018
    I totally know how it can be especially in an office full of women. Everyone's on a diet and spouting their advice and "tips" whether they are 110 or 500 lb. It's obnoxious and even worse when they try to get in your business regarding your own diet & fitness.

    I agree with so much of the advice here and have honestly picked up some great new lines to say to the one about "I find it boring when other people talk about their diet so I don't want to be that guy". I'll totally use that in the future, lol.

    Anyway I truly do think most people won't listen if you did try to explain to them what you're doing is working. I worked temporarily at a law firm where the office was full of these ladies, all on very strict diets. At that time, I had lost almost 70 lb of the 140 lb I wanted to lose (and later did), but they would question my (once-a-week, calories accounted for) Taco Bell lunch or whatever they saw me consume. One lady was appalled that I ate strawberries because "OMG all the sugar". They basically didn't think I knew what I was talking about. Some were heavier than me and some were much thinner but they were all doing the same fad diets. I didn't stay there very long (for a variety of reasons) and not long ago I saw one of those "experts" In a store and she kept staring at me - I don't doubt it was partly because I've since lost the rest of the weight and kept it off. She looked exactly the same as she did when she was doing her fad diets and preaching to me. I don't say that to be snarky. But your results WILL speak for themselves.

    These forums are a good place to vent and brag and whatever else...I find myself motivated by sharing here, in part because I have never been one to broadcast my weight loss sucesses and NSVs with most people I know. It can feel awkward (to me anyway) but at least here everyone's pretty much on the same page!