Does drinking more water help your body to stop retaining water weight?

If so, why?

Thanks to all who reply :)


  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    edited May 2018
    Sort of. If the water weight is due to higher than usual sodium then drinking more water will help you flush the extra sodium out faster. Getting rid of the extra sodium will cause your body retain less water.

    Water retention due to glycogen or other causes will be less affected by drinking more water.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    If this question is because of water weight fluctuations on a scale I think it is a very bad idea to try and "fix" it assuming you could.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    Just drink a sensible, adequate amount of water. If your urine is pale colored, you're fine. Don't try to game your water weight. It's not body fat, so there's no point in worrying about it (unless you have a serious medical condition causing pathological water retention, in which case you should see your doctor).

    Water weight fluctuation is what normal, healthy bodies do to stay normal and healthy. Why would we want to interfere with that?