Macros and losing weight

NicM18 Posts: 5 Member
So, if there’s anyone in here that can help me it would be greatly appreciated. I’m monkeying around with this app, being new and all and I put in that I wanted to lose a pound a week to see what it would give me. It has me at 241 carbs a day and only 96 of protein and like 1900 calories. This just doesn’t seem accurate? Wouldn’t I want to really limit my carbs? Asking for a friend


  • NicM18
    NicM18 Posts: 5 Member
    Well I want to lose just a little bit of weight but mostly tone up and build up muscle
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    You can change the percentages on the macros, but you don't need to limit carbs to lose weight.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    PS you aren't going to build much muscle in a deficit.
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited May 2018
    If ur goals is to just lost weight , macros wont matter much. Just eat less than maintenance, or have a caloric deficit. I think mfp just gives u watever macros to start with and you can adjust it urself after

    Well you better pay attention to Macros while eating in a deficit. If you don't put the right nutrients in your body in a deficit sure you will lose weight, but if you are shaped like a pear you can become just a smaller pear. You do not want to be a just a lighter out of shape person, it's better to be a person that loses fat while maintaining as mu h muscle as possible. A 1200 calorie diet can consist of 4 egg mcmuffins a day.....yes you will lose weight, but if you thinking you will look good, you will be disappointed.
  • mcash540
    mcash540 Posts: 11 Member
    If you want to build muscle and working out you’d want a good amount more protein unless you are 96 lbs. Shoot for a g per every lb you weight.
  • NicM18
    NicM18 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok everyone I appreciate the comments. I’m new to this app and I’m not like a super overweight person, I just have thyroid issues and have always had problems getting where I want to be. I’m not even trying to be in a deficit and maybe I don’t even need to lose weight necessarily. I’m lookin for advice on how to really build muscle and take in the right amound of macros a day while working out for my body
  • NicM18
    NicM18 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow that’s a lot of protein mcash540
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    serindipte wrote: »
    PS you aren't going to build much muscle in a deficit.

  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,220 Member
    A good place to start is 40/30/30. Carps/protein/fats
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    CatsIvuE wrote: »

    like this one?

  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,220 Member
    edited May 2018
    A good place to start is 40/30/30. Carps/protein/fats

    Is that how we get hunky like u?

    What!? I’m trying to get like you. I refer you back to your flexed back pic.

    That’s just a good healthy ratio to start. Especially if you’re new to the lifting/working out.
  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,220 Member

    A good place to start is 40/30/30. Carps/protein/fats

    Is that how we get hunky like u?

    What!? I’m trying to get like you. I refer you back to your flexed back pic.

    That’s just a good healthy ratio to start. Especially if you’re new to the lifting/working out.

    No one does the back flex so i thought i was doing it wrong );

    Oh U gotz it!