Considering joining a gym but have no idea what I am doing

I've never joined a gym before so I have no idea what to expect. What equipment should I be using? Will I be pointed at and laughed at. Should I just stick to walking?


  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    Talk to different people that you trust about local gyms. If it is a good gym, there will be people there that will lead you in every direction that you want to go.
    Also, don't join right away. Try it out and make sure you like it before shelling out the $$$
    Best of luck :)
  • flosoup24
    flosoup24 Posts: 44 Member
    In veey overweight and quite shy in public so that's why I'm worried about being laughed at.
  • flosoup24
    flosoup24 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for this. I really appreciate it
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Fantastic news you are joining a gym.

    No you won’t be pointed at, most people are to self absorbed to worry about what others do (I know I am :) ).

    Most gyms have an induction meeting with a trainer as part of joining. Best suggestion would be to have a good idea of what you want to achieve from the gym and chat this through with the trainer.

    Also if most gyms are like mine there is always someone to hand to demonstrate how to use the equipment properly.

    Plus there are some really good apps like body space you can use to helps you.

    Main thing is you are doing something proactive - good luck.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I have had some good experiences at gyms in the past. My problem is me. I can pay a membership and still think of hundreds of reasons not to go. But I can’t come up with enough excuses to keep me from walking at home for exercise. I also have used several DVD workout videos in my own home. Sometimes exercising at 2 am because I finally quit making excuses to myself.

    I admire people with the discipline to go to the gym. I just feel in my situation it would be money spent in something I won’t commit to.

    I agree with others. Visit the gyms, ask about trial periods before joining. Some gyms have aerobic classes you might enjoy trying as well. For that matter, your local community center may have fitness classes for free. Mine has several I keep telling myself to try.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have had some good experiences at gyms in the past. My problem is me. I can pay a membership and still think of hundreds of reasons not to go. But I can’t come up with enough excuses to keep me from walking at home for exercise. I also have used several DVD workout videos in my own home. Sometimes exercising at 2 am because I finally quit making excuses to myself.

    I admire people with the discipline to go to the gym. I just feel in my situation it would be money spent in something I won’t commit to.

    I agree with others. Visit the gyms, ask about trial periods before joining. Some gyms have aerobic classes you might enjoy trying as well. For that matter, your local community center may have fitness classes for free. Mine has several I keep telling myself to try.

    My local rec centre has drop-in facility use for $7.75/visit. That provides access to the entire facility (pool, fitness centre, drop in classes) for the full day. Their monthly rates are much cheaper than other gyms as well, and they are extremely welcoming. (I don't bother with a membership because I only go there to use the treadmill when it's too hot or cold to run outside.)
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    A lot of gyms give you one or two free personal training sessions to try to upsell you on that. Use one or both to have them show you all the machines and equipment. Politely decline further sessions, enjoy your gym!
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    flosoup24 wrote: »
    I've never joined a gym before so I have no idea what to expect. What equipment should I be using? Will I be pointed at and laughed at. Should I just stick to walking?

    The YMCA is wonderful. Most have pools, up to date cardio equipment, walking track, resistance machines, etc.

    Sign up when they have no activation fees to pay (100.00). The only RIP off I have had to pay with ymca.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    flosoup24 wrote: »
    In veey overweight and quite shy in public so that's why I'm worried about being laughed at.

    I was working with a very nice lady who was 380lbs and wanted to improve her health because of her two beautiful children. She was soooooo scared to go into a gym. I worked on her for a few weeks and she finally agreed to go to the gym with me. I kinda knew just about everywhere at the gym at that time so when people saw me with her they would come over and introduce themselves (If I did not walk over to them...). They welcomed her with open arms and encouraged her to stick to it, to be consistent and offered assistance (all she had to do was ask).

    I find that most gyms are going to be the same way. The people there are going to welcome anyone and everyone - we are all on the same journey. Some of us are on Step 10,000 while others are on Step 1. We are all the same....some are just a little bit deeper into that journey.

    Don't fear going to the gym or looking stupid or whatever. Sure - there might be a knucklehead that might make a wisecrack. I assure you that there are 10 people there (chicks and dudes) who will put that a$$wipe in his place quicker than you can process what you think that you just heard.

    But, first you have to find that gym.

    Lots of gym will offer free sessions, be it for a specific number or for a week. Most also have some sort of free training sessions, where a Trainer will guide you through some movements. I kinda like Planet Fitness for this sorta thing. I am sure that there are any number of others similar.

    Do you have any close friends who go to the gym? That is where I would start.
  • MrSouthSide
    MrSouthSide Posts: 12 Member
    For me, the most important factor in a gym is convenience, as in location, location, location. Is it near places I'll otherwise be going (or want to go)? Actually getting to the gym is the most important part of your workout.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    For me, the most important factor in a gym is convenience, as in location, location, location. Is it near places I'll otherwise be going (or want to go)? Actually getting to the gym is the most important part of your workout.

    Dang! That is EXACTLY right - for most people. Too many quote unquote excuses.....Nah, it takes too long to get to the gym.....blah! blah! blah!

    Funny....Location, Location, Location.....sounds familiar for some reason!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I suggest you hop on YouTube and look for different ideas/exercises that might appeal to you.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Most gyms will offer a tour and a few free days for you to decide what you like. They are a great way to try out what is available in your area. Just be prepared to keep strong on all the sales pitches you have to listen to, lol, until you have tried several places.
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    flosoup24 wrote: »
    In veey overweight and quite shy in public so that's why I'm worried about being laughed at.

    You aren't the first one. As others have pointed out, go talk to the people that work at the gym and ask them about it. There are some gyms where those who aren't already seriously working out shouldn't go. Even there though, it isn't that people would be pointing and laughing (this isn't middle school), they would just expect you already know what you are doing and what you want to do.

    There are others, such as Planet Fitness, where it is a great way to get started in a no pressure environment environment. The nice thing about PF is that there is no commitment. Most places you pay around $40 to get started and then $10 a month and you can stop when you want if it doesn't work out for you or you want to go to a different gym.

    Most gyms will allow you to sign up for sessions with a personal trainer. They will happily assess your fitness level and abilities and work you through a plan to get you started. Some are one-on-one, others might be small groups, it can vary. Some of them you pay extra for it, some you get a couple sessions free to start.

    My wife and I both joined Planet Fitness back in March and we committed to 3 times a week at a minimum. We are both larger people. She is 5'7" and was 219 at the time and I am 6'0" and was 356 at the time. Between diet and PF she is down to 194 and I am down to 302. She rides the bike for 30 minutes (plus 5 cooldown) and has gone from no resistance and 3.5 miles to working the resistance up and doing close to 8 miles now. I do the 30 minutes on the treadmill and started at a 3.0 incline and 2.5 speed and am now doing 9.0 incline and 3.0-3.2 speed. For those of us who are really heavy it is a good way to get started.

    One of the best things I like about PF is they are catering to those of us who don't want a commitment and are willing to trade off amenities for that. I used to be a member at Gold's Gym years ago and I really liked it. It was ll new and they had everything but I was also on the hook for $50 a month. Yes, there are less machines at PF and there isn't a pool or jacuzzi or dry and wet saunas or eucalyptus rooms but the value is good for us.

    Feel free to hollar at me if you like. I have no need to laugh at or point at fat people..... I can do that in the mirror at home if I want too. :)
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    For me, the most important factor in a gym is convenience, as in location, location, location. Is it near places I'll otherwise be going (or want to go)? Actually getting to the gym is the most important part of your workout.

    This is true with so many things (primary doctors, dentists, etc.). When I was a member of Gold's Gym years ago it was because they had just opened up a new one right by where I worked. Working 3rd shift, I got out at 6am and went to the gym in less than 5 minutes. When my plant eventually closed, I didn't have the motivation to drive the 25-35 minutes to get to that location and didn't care for the ones closer.

    For me now, PF is roughly 2.5 miles away so it is excellent in regards to location and I have no excuse to not go. :)