

  • kat_lifts
    Where as I agree with your thought process, I must disagree that healthy eating is not more expensive. Not only is it a fact that healthy foods cost more, I've tested the theory. Someone can go to "Wal-Mart" & get a huge box of hot pockets or what not for a lot cheaper than they can a week or two worth of produce.

    That being said, sometimes you NEED to sacrifice something in order to buy your clean food.

    Well I could've implied it more but I tried to say how you need to stop buying certain things in order to by the higher quality foods. Thanks for sharing, you make a good point
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    We are a one income family under my husband. I completely agree with what you're saying! Although the government claims that we are well under the poverty level, we are managing our money just fine without having to resort to welfare checks or things of that nature (not that some situations don't call for that). We forgo cable and fancy phones, no unlimited internet for the phones we do have. And we don't waste money on fast food very often (still a work in progress though!). We certainly aren't perfect but you would be amazed at what you don't miss when you don't have it. For example, we watch all the tv we want online for free.

    Anyway.. the moral of my story is I completely agree! I am able to fix healthy meals and watch portion control (which is very necessary on a strict budget) and we do just fine. There are a lot of public options for exercise also. Such as groups that meet for tennis for free once a week, or running clubs. You would be surprised at how simple it is, and once you do it this way, it's hard to go back to paying $60 a month for whatever gym, then $30 a month for whatever diet program!

    I am also under the impression that MFP is the best. I am biased though ;)

    You are awesome!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I know for my family of 4 it has turned out to be cheaper for us to eat healthy because we are now measuring normal portions and this has really cut our grocery bill. Normally I would go to the grocery store 2-3 times a week and spend about $100 on groceries. Now I am going 1-2 times a week and spending the same $100 on groceries, so I've cut my grocery bill about in half and we are eating healthier food. We were regularly cooking enough food for 6-8 people to eat when there were only 3-4 of us (my daughter is often not here to eat dinner), but since we started measuring food portions I am only cooking for 4 people.
  • kat_lifts
    I agree with you to some extent, because I am a poor girl and I am getting fit! I've never gone to a gym and have lost almost 27 lbs so far. I agree, it is possible. You don't need too many resources.

    The only thing I disagree with is the food part. Yeah, Special K and Kashi are expensive haha. But things like good fruits (blueberries is one of the main ones I eat because of its antioxidant content and fat fighting nutrients) are not cheap. Meats are also not cheap and I'm not necessarily talking steak. Chicken is expensive as well. Since I started eating healthy, I DO spend more on food than I did before, and I don't buy processed health food junk. Also there are some things that if you really want the healthy version of, you SHOULD be buying the organic kind. I don't buy organic fruit/veggies, but I do buy organic almond butter, and raw, organic honey, because it's better for you than the processed kind. But, that being said, there are some great, healthy foods that are cheap like frozen veggies, oatmeal, bananas, whole grain pasta, etc. :)

    And I agree with the recipes thing. I love that!

    How I stay fit on a budget is definitely a choice of where I shop. :) I LOVE costco, because I can buy bigger bulk items of food I eat all the time. And for exercising, I buy workout DVDs. They are maybe $6-$10 a piece, and they are totally worth it for me. I'm a huge Jillian Michaels fan, and I have like 10 of her DVDs. Also, I did "invest" in a yoga mat. :)

    Thanks! I really didn't put enough emphasis on the importance of the quality of food over the cheaper quantity. i tried talking about how giving up certain things to buy these other types of foods, are in order..

    And Costco is pretty darn awesome. I

    buy organic on some occasion but otherwise I soak my vegs and fruit in water and vinegar and scrub! I really appreciate the input!
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Fresh produce can be pricey so looking for good deals and shopping at the lesser expensive grocery store helps. BJ's has meat in bulk so you can get more.

    BTW, I love BJ's to get my baby boy diapers, wipes, and formula in bulk. I can buy a huge box of diapers for $40, and it lasts me over a month.
  • kat_lifts
    75% correct, but now the price of "fresh" produce has increased alot. Broccoli is 2.49 a lb, brussels 2.49 a bag (12 oz), cauliflower 3.19, avacados 1.19 EACH... then don't consider the price of raw meat (5lbs unfrozen chicken 12$, 3 lb pork, 11$ grass fed beef, 1.85 lb 10$) or even milk (3.59 a gallon 2% or 1/2 gal almond milk @ 3.19). Even things like sunflower seeds - 16oz bag, 3$, almonds (raw) $5... [all prices are local to me - walmart, supermarkets, trader joes - and none organic, this is just standard stuff]

    It's better than prepacked stuff, yes. But it's still not cheap. And not everyone has access to farms, farmer's markets, etc.

    Plus, take into consideration that if you are running, you will need shoes - your 9 year old kicks aren't gonna cut it.

    But yes, you don't need a gym, fancy gadets, pricey clothes, ect. It can be done on the "cheaper" side.

    I figured gym shoes are a given... Although I actually exercise in my work shoes (some sketchers) can't afford some nice ones right now. And no I did not mention grass fed, organic, or even almond milk. Although I do splurge on some organic and almond milk. "Poor girls can't preform miracles, so for the time being we should do the best we can. But thanks for bringing up a good point
  • kat_lifts
    Fresh produce can be pricey so looking for good deals and shopping at the lesser expensive grocery store helps. BJ's has meat in bulk so you can get more.

    BTW, I love BJ's to get my baby boy diapers, wipes, and formula in bulk. I can buy a huge box of diapers for $40, and it lasts me over a month.

    Not sure if I have one around here. Wish I did tho. I just shop at food lion & Harris teeter
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    This girl is poor. I check the grocery ads and look for BOGO deals on chicken and tilapia and buy those. I also check for markdowns in my favorite grocery store. The other day they had a bag of Perdue individually wrapped chicken breasts on sale and the expiration date was near so they had a $4.00 off coupon. I got the bag for $3.00!!! Throw in some frozen veggies and I had 5 meals for under $8.00.

    Edit to add: I shop the sales for fresh fruits. I might not always be eating my favorite fruits, but I am at least eating fresh fruit.
  • msgrowinggirl20
    This is excellent!
  • Shureevil
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I agree you don't have to have $$$ to get fit, BUT you can get fit eating fast food some of the time. Canned foods are great, but watch the sodium. I don't believe in clean food. You did post some great resources.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Fresh produce can be pricey so looking for good deals and shopping at the lesser expensive grocery store helps. BJ's has meat in bulk so you can get more.

    BTW, I love BJ's to get my baby boy diapers, wipes, and formula in bulk. I can buy a huge box of diapers for $40, and it lasts me over a month.

    Not sure if I have one around here. Wish I did tho. I just shop at food lion & Harris teeter

    I miss Food Lion. That is a great grocery store. We shop at Market Basket now.
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    I'm on a very tight budget and can only set aside a certain amount for food. We don't have any nearby farmer's markets or grocery stores, so I have to do my weekly shop on the same day due to travel costs. I'm actually spending less on healthy foods than I did on unhealthy foods. I buy frozen veg (nothing wrong with that) fresh fruit and chicken and most of the basics. I get exercise from walking, alot of waking which I love doing and from Youtube workout videos.
    My only problem is I need new clothes and can't afford them :happy:
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    KATLOVESVU - Its refreshing to see someone accept constructive criticism as well as you do. :flowerforyou:
  • kat_lifts
    I'm on a very tight budget and can only set aside a certain amount for food. We don't have any nearby farmer's markets or grocery stores, so I have to do my weekly shop on the same day due to travel costs. I'm actually spending less on healthy foods than I did on unhealthy foods. I buy frozen veg (nothing wrong with that) fresh fruit and chicken and most of the basics. I get exercise from walking, alot of waking which I love doing and from Youtube workout videos.
    My only problem is I need new clothes and can't afford them :happy:

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with frozen. They are picked when ripest. This is really inspiring. Thanks so much for posting :) lol I can understand needing new clothes ! Haha you go!
  • kat_lifts
    KATLOVESVU - Its refreshing to see someone accept constructive criticism as well as you do. :flowerforyou:

    Haha thank you! :)
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    "Healthy food is SO EXPENSIVE" - uh no. Stop. If you think Special K and Kashi bars are the definition of health food... They aren't. Those foods need to be eaten in moderation and should not be a staple. And Why don't you skip McBurger Hut and go to Walmart. But stay the heck away from pre-made breakfast and dinners. Find and reach for canned beans, tuna, sardines, tomatoes... Apples, oranges, banana, grapes... Chicken breast, lean ground turkey, lean beef... Frozen mixed vegs.... Fresh onion, garlic, lettuce, salad mixes, celery, carrots, bell peppers... Eggs, low fat milk... Honestly it's about what you stop getting so you can start getting foods that will really bring your body health and in turn you'll see real results.

    I find SO MANY clean food recipes and I'm inspired everyday to try a new healthy meal with a new fresh fruit or vegetables. There are so many out there and each have their own way of contributing to your health. Again, you don't need to spend money on healthy recipe books or magazines, there are sooo many online. (YouTube and Pinterest)

    Check your priorities. Instead of shopping every weekend for clothes, i spent that time on money on foods to keep me healthy and happy.

    And finally, it is not about having the time. It's about making it.

    I would love feed back from others on how they manage to stay fit and healthy without spending a crazy amount of money.

    *Disclaimer: this is my own personal advice from my own personal experiences. I am not a dietitian, no health expert etc.*

    Are you kidding me????? I'm glad you were able to stop shopping to devote the money to eating healthy. Most people can't just reassign their rent and mortgage money for healthier food. Get a clue.

    And no, fresh produce is NOT cheap, especially in some places where it's hard to get. I can get a frozen Healthy Choice meal for $2.50 when it's on sale. Banquet meals are usually $1 a piece. Tell me how that's expensive?

    I get what you're saying and yes, working out can be free with the things you mentioned. But no, eating "healthy" (and "clean," which, face it, is what you're implying) is by no stretch cheaper than cereal and pasta. You also don't need to eat fresh produce for the majority of your meals to lose weight. Again, get a clue.

    edit: I don't mean to be harsh and get what you're saying. Fast food meals can be pretty expensive especially when that's all you eat. But a lot of what you wrote comes off as pretty entitled and frankly, inaccurate. I'm really happy that you are getting healthy and staying within budget, but sometimes people don't even have money for anything extra. If they don't have money for clothes shopping to begin with, they can't make that sacrifice to eat "clean." I think what you really mean is that you can't use being poor as an excuse when you really could rearrange your priorities to get fit and eat better. But if someone really is truly poor, then no, they really can't take a lot of your advice.

    Say it sista!
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    We all have excuses (good or bad). Its about priorities, and what you really want. Only you can make that choice.

  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Ignorant and judgmental. Check your privilege.

  • sharonautry
    Hey, healthy people!

    The tips and discussion are overall helpful! Good news is we're all working toward one thing: BETTER!

    Just wanted to chime in a bit because I am learning how to get fit on a very, very modest budget, myself.

    I know Walmart may not be the king of healthy food sales, but they do price match produce and meat prices. Right now it's just not in the realm of possibility for us to purchase organic or grassfed, but fresh is always better than many things that used to be on our shopping list.

    I search sales flyers for meat and produce prices, make a list of those, and head to Walmart to purchase those things all in one place. Keeps me from wasting gas and time at several stores to get what we need.

    I blogged about it here: http://www.practicehospitality.com/blog/2013/7/22/couponing-err-sort-of-take-ii.html

    Best to all of you!