My Summer LifeTime Fitness Challenge Blog 2018

Over the past 10 months I have lost over 70lbs and 75% body fat. I have won 2 local body transformation contests at my gym and I am now trying to win the Summer Challenge for LifeTime Fitness. A finalist for Spring 2018, I am going all-in this time around. With 6 week’s left I have a lot of work to do.

I will do my best to chronicle this journey with a daily note; tracking the ups and downs of diet and exercise. Wish me luck and thanks for tagging along.



  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    Good luck
  • rmholley71
    rmholley71 Posts: 4 Member
    Happy Memorial Day!!

    While most are enjoying their final day by the pool before heading back to work, eating BBQ, having a beer or just enjoying life; today is Day 1 for me.

    Monday’s!!! Ugh!! 6 more Monday’s to go. Double Ugh!!!

    A little about me for those who are curious. I am by far no fitness model or spokesperson. I am a normal guy who leads a pretty normal lifestyle. At 47, I work in software sales and travel, on average, 3-4 days a week across the United States. I am an Army Veteran who used to be in shape but let life’s worries bear me down and put on a massive amount of weight. At the start of my journey I was 252lbs; July 2017. At my best I was 184lbs; April 2018. Today I am 199lbs with a goal of 180lbs by July 6, 2018 - the end of the competition.

    For those who travel, training is never easy on the road. There are many pitfalls to include client dinners, hotel gyms, jet lag, and pure laziness. These are things I deal with daily and hopefully my journey and suggestions will help you.

    So here we go.......

    Today I meet with the nutritionist at my gym to fine tune my eating to match my workout. After a recent RMR test there is a fear I may be overtraining and not eating enough. Crazy I know. Still, as they say 80% is nutrition, I want to make sure I am doing it right.

    After that it’s day 1 of training. Chest and cardio. Did I say Ugh already? Ha!

    Wish me luck.........

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    there is a journal part of your profile. this would probably be better suited for that.