Short woman trying to figure out calories - former Weight Watchers member



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm not short nor I see how that would affect weight loss but I suggest using this TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator. It accounts for your weight and height and it's what I used on my journey to losing 100lb+

    Sounds like you're pretty active I suggest just subtracting 200 calories. So all you need to do is burn 300 calories (which sounds easy considering your activity level) and you'll be on track to lose 1lb a week!

    In case you're wondering 3500 calories are in a pound of fat so burning 500 everyday will do the job.

    I know this doesn't sound amazing and that you may want to lose weight faster but this is most effective long term. And who knows everyones body is different, you might lose weight faster than you thought.

    I also don't suggest eating 1200 cal, when you limit calorie intake your body goes into "starvation mode" and it will be a lot more tight when managing it's calorie expenditure.

    Hope this helps and I'll be glad to answer any other questions you may have (:

    Starvation mode doesn’t exist.

    Why do you think the TDEE calculator you’ve recommended is more accurate than the FitBit she’s wearing regularly?