Young with Diabetes

I'm 22 and I just found out that I have diabetes, it runs in my family I am told although I am not in much contact with them(everyone on fathers side has it pretty much) but normally they didnt find out until they were in their late 30/40s. I am about 100 pounds overweight, 5'8.5" so I'm assuming this is why I got it so early. A few years ago when I had my daughter I first joined here, and I lost about 50 pounds without even changing my diet too much.

I have a membership to a gym, but being a single mom I have no way to go because there is no daycare there and I have a 2 year old. My mother lives near me but she isnt really any help, and cant/wont watch her while I go to the gym even though she knows that I have diabetes and really need to get this excess weight off me. I may as well cancel my gym membership and not pay all the money I do for it, (i got this membership when daughters father was still around).

I have a pretty hard time with self discipline, and motivation to exercise regularly. I normally only get like 1 workout a week in which isn't nearly enough, I have a binge eating problem I'm pretty sure and just feel so alone in all this. My family was mostly thin people, and still is. My daughter hasnt shown any signs of overweightness thankfully so far, and my current boyfriend and any friends I'm around are all just fit and thin and none of them really follow a healthy diet or anything.

I feel incredibly alone, and don't even know what to do. My FASTING sugar, was above 300! The night before I did have a binge session that was pretty bad. I either eat too much, or not enough and I'm really worried about this, I work in nursing so I know what can happen to me with unmanaged diabetes. My doctor put me on 2 medicines for it I just started 2 days ago.

Sorry this is solong, but if anyone else can relate it'd be nice to hear your story. Thanks
