Water Consumption

Hello Friends,

So this is what I learned. As we all know the general recommendation for drinking water is 8 cups a day. Well I just found out from a friend of mine who is also a personal trainer that you need to actually take your weight and divide it by 2 and that will equal the number of ounces of what you should drink per day. Of course there is 8 oz in a cup so divide your ounces by 8 to get the number of cups and then round up to the nearest cup. Then I read on line that if you work out you have to drink more water to replace the water you lose. So for every 10 minutes you work out drink another cup of water. (8 oz) . Since not drinking enough water slows down your metabolism by 30 % I'd say this information is pretty important.

Drink up everyone!!!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Total Bro science. You need to drink enough for your urine to be pale yellow. You get lots of fluids from food you eat as well as any liquid you drink.
  • cowgirlupkelly
    . Well I just found out from a friend of mine who is also a personal trainer that you need to actually take your weight and divide it by 2 and that will equal the number of ounces of what you should drink per day.

    This was actually put out by a bottled water company many many years ago. While it is not a bad idea your urine should be the color of pale straw. If it is clear you are over drinking/hydrating.

    You have to remember that liquids are in many of the foods you eat and even the 8 8oz glasses a day is not longer the standard that RDs and nutritionists put out --- it's used as a guideline.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Total Bro science. You need to drink enough for your urine to be pale yellow. You get lots of fluids from food you eat as well as any liquid you drink.

    Exactly this.

    Reminds me of how my PT told me there is a ''way'' to drink your water and that most people don't know how to correctly drink their water :noway:
  • cowgirlupkelly
    Excerpt, "I have never liked specific rules like "You must drink eight glasses of water per day to be healthy." Here is a study from Tufts University that backs me up.

    A study of a small group of women, measured each drop they took in and each drop they eliminated, and found that the water, juice and decaffeinated beverages consumed averaged the recommended eight cups per day.

    "But the real surprise was that women met almost 40 percent of their water needs with food alone. In fact, when their water intake from food, water and other beverages and metabolic reactions was added up, they exceeded their minimum recommendation by 50 percent."

    Eating and drinking as they naturally would, they took in more fluid than they needed."

    Source: January 2001. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    If it is clear you are over drinking/hydrating.

    Sorry but that is not true. Clear urine can both mean you are very well hydrated or can be a sign of diabetes. The later happening when you drink incredible amount of water and still feel dehydrated.

    Clear urine doesn't mean you are over drinking or over hydrated, at all.

    The only moment I don't have clear urine is first thing in the morning. I drink a lot of water and my urine is completely clear. According to the doctor I am very healthy :wink:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i heard the same thing yesterday :) im trying to drink that but im having a hard time dealing with going pee every 15 mins. that just cant work for me. ill lose my job. well not really but it is too often. and when im trying to walk (which is currently my only workout) Im almost forced to quit early because i have to go pee. sucks!!! hoping my body will get used to it.
  • cowgirlupkelly

    Reminds me of how my PT told me there is a ''way'' to drink your water and that most people don't know how to correctly drink their water :noway:

    Is there a wrong way to drink it?
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Is there a wrong way to drink it?

    Well it apparently needs to be drank from the moment you wake up in small doses throuhout the day.
    I have to be honest I stopped listening at one point... so not entirely sure what the whole shabang is lol
  • cowgirlupkelly
    If it is clear you are over drinking/hydrating.

    Sorry but that is not true. Clear urine can both mean you are very well hydrated or can be a sign of diabetes. The later happening when you drink incredible amount of water and still feel dehydrated.

    I work in Urology. If your urine doesn't have any color you are over hydrated. As for the diabetes part there are other symptoms which go along with the clear urine.

    Many of us think our urine is clear or no color at all and there is still a slight tinge unless we are truly overhydrating.
  • cowgirlupkelly
    Well it apparently needs to be drank from the moment you wake up in small doses throuhout the day.
    I have to be honest I stopped listening at one point... so not entirely sure what the whole shabang is lol

    LOL! Well I almost always have some sort of liquid in my hand from the time I get up (bottle on the treadmill) until I go to sleep (glass on the night stand to drink if I wake up in the middle of the night).
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    I don't drink 8 class a day, I drink 6....Just enough to let me go....If I drink any more, I'm up all night!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Over hydrating puts increased strain on your kidneys and can result in flushing out some vitamins and minerals that your body needs. In all things, moderation!
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I do always have water/coffee/tea around me :drinker:

    I guess I am used to having clear urine. Pretty sure my doc would have said something by now, seeing as I have general tests every year.
  • JaneLane33
    JaneLane33 Posts: 80 Member
    Huffington Post had a good article of Dehydration myths.
    essentially drink as much fluids when you feel comfortable and don't worry about it so much.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Many of us think our urine is clear or no color at all and there is still a slight tinge unless we are truly overhydrating.

    See that makes sense now. It does sure look clear to me but there might be a slight tinge :wink: